The central star of the planetary nebula NGC 6302*

S.R. Pottasch - D. Beintema - F.J. Dominguez-Rodriguez - S. Schaeidt - E. Valentijn - B. Vandenbussche


Selected results from the ISO spectrum of NGC 6302 are reported. The intensity of the high ionization [Mg VIII] line is given. The controversy concerning the mechanism of ionization of the high ionization stages, and especially the [NeV] lines is discussed. It is concluded that all lines can be reproduced in a photoionization model, if the temperature of the central star is about 380,000 K. The abundances of several elements in the nebula is given, as well as the intensities of the lines involved.

white dwarfs, planetary nebulae: general, planetary nebulae: individual: NGC 6302

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