Th. de Graauw - D.C.B. Whittet - P.A. Gerakines - O.H. Bauer - D.A. Beintema - A.C.A. Boogert - D.R. Boxhoorn - J.E. Chiar - P. Ehrenfreund - H. Feuchtgruber - F.P. Helmich - A.M. Heras - R. Huygen - D.J.M. Kester - D. Kunze - F. Lahuis - K.J. Leech - D. Lutz - P.W. Morris - T. Prusti - P.R. Roelfsema - A. Salama - S.G. Schaeidt - W.A. Schutte - H.W.W. Spoon - A.G.G.M. Tielens - E.A. Valentijn - B. Vandenbusshe - E.F. van Dishoeck - P.R. Wesselius - E. Wieprecht - C.M. Wright
We report absorption features of solid CO stretching
and bending modes in several lines of sight, including
embedded young stellar objects and the Galactic Center
source Sgr A*. The overall CO
abundance in ices is
15% relative to H
Profile shapes are consistent with the presence of grain mantles
with distinct polar ( H
O -rich) and nonpolar (CO or
-rich) layers. In addition to the
normal isotopic form, we report detection of the stretching
mode of 13CO
; the 12C/13C ratio is consistent
with terrestrial and interstellar values.
ISM: molecules - dust, extinction -
Infrared: interstellar: lines -
Stars: pre-main sequence - Galaxy: center