A. Salama - A. Evans - S. P. S. Eyres - K. Leech - P. Barr - M. F. Kessler
We present observations of the classical nova V1974 Cygni (Nova Cyg 1992)
obtained with the ISO Short and Long Wavelength Spectrometers (SWS and LWS) and
the spectrometer section of ISOPHOT. We identify
[NeIII] 15.5,
14.3, 24.3, [NeVI]
25.9. There is evidence that the Ne and O emission
arises in physically distinct regions of the ejecta. We determine the electron
temperatures in the Ne- and O-bearing regions of the ejecta, and estimate
the Ne abundance relative to O.
circumstellar matter - Stars: individual: V1974 Cyg -
novae, cataclysmic variables - Infrared: stars