D. Rouan - D. Tiphène - F. Lacombe - O. Boulade - J. Clavel - P. Gallais - L. Metcalfe - A. Pollock - R. Siebenmorgen
We present ISOCAM images (1.5 arcsec resolution), in the Br alphaline and
in the continuum at 4 , of the starburst nuclear region in the nearby
galaxy M83.
The starburst is found to lie: a) along arc joining the 2
sources at
S and SW of
the nucleus to the NW 10
peak, a possible indication of a propagating
star formation; b) at the nucleus itself
and at a bridge, linking the arc to the nucleus, that could trace a
gaseous bar.
The strong 4
continuum emission cannot be free-free and
probably corresponds to the continuum emission associated with
the Very-Small-Grain/PAH component of the dust.