

Object Type







This table gives the times and positions of the start and end of each slew of the ISO spacecraft. A guide star reference number is also available for each pointing, indicating the guide star used for this pointing/slew. This referenece number can be used to retrieve details of the guide start used from the guide start catalog, which is located in the table 'guide_star'.

Use and Related Data

Each pointing can relate to one or more observation (prime and parallel). Relating an observation to an APH entry can be done either manually using the slew_start and slew_end columns (or slew_start_utk, slew_end_utk columns), or using the pointing_id key column and the  obs_pointing table (see SPR 2835).

Details on the guide star used for the pointing are located in the guide_star table.


This table has been populated during BKRP by db-import. The columns apertid and orient have been populated after BKRP and their values have been taken from the APPH FITS product file, SCREW 375.
Name Datatype Null
pointing_id numeric(5,0) No
slew_start int No
slew_end int No
ra numeric(13,9) No
dec numeric(13,9) No
otfthres real No
instid char(1) No
reqtype char(1) No
apertid tinyint No
ngrid smallint No
nraster smallint No
tslew1 int No
tslew2 int No
tslew3 int No
scan_dist int No
linedist smallint No
orient tinyint No
rotate real No
guide_star int No
solaspct real No
rpeamp real No
slew_start_utk int No
slew_end_utk int No
continge smallint No
filename char(12) No
version char(4) No
column pointing_id
a unique index number for an aph entry. This value is used to link a pointing/slew to an observation through the use of the obs_pointing table.
column apertid
Instrument aperture.
column continge
Contingency flag. The allowed values are:
    1    no contingency
    2    target attitude not acquired
    3    no QSS/STR misalignment available.
column filename
FITS product filename including version number.
column guide_star
Guide star ref no in catalogue.
column instid
Instrument identifier, which identifies the prime instrument. This can be one of:
    C     - CAM
    L     - LWS
    P     - PHT
    S     - SWS.
column linedist
Dist. between scan lines.
column ngrid
Number of grid points on a scan. From 1 to 32.
column nraster
Number of lines in the raster. From 1 to 32.
column orient
Orientation Flag.
column otfthres
On-target flag threshold. Units: arcsecs.
column ra
Right ascension of intended view direction. Units: degrees.
column reqtype
Type of request. This can be one of:
    P    -    Pointing request
    R    -    Raster request
    T    -    Tracking request
column rotate
Rotation of raster pattern 0 < rotate < 360. Units: degrees.
column rpeamp
RPE amplitude. Units: arcsecs.
column scan_dist
Distance between points on a scan line (units are usually arcseconds but if Reqtype equals 'T' then scan distance  is defined in units of 0.01 arcseconds).
column slew_end
End time of slew to target measured in seconds since 1989.0 (UTC).
column slew_end_utk
End time of slew to target in UTK.
column slew_start
Start time of slew to target measured in seconds since 1989.0 (UTC, followed by remaining fraction of second).
column slew_start_utk
Start time of slew to target in UTK.
column solaspct
Solar aspect angle. Units: degrees.
column tslew1
Time to slew and dwell on 1st point. Units: seconds.
column tslew2
Ditto for a point on the current line. Units: seconds.
column tslew3
Ditto for 1st point on next line. Units: seconds.
column version
APH version number.

Table Usage (MB)

Distribution of Table Space





81.46 %




18.01 %




0.52 %



Number of Rows


Referencing Objects
Object Name Object Type
dbo.aph.aph_ux INDEX
dbo.aph.aph_slew_ux INDEX
Referenced Objects
Object Name Object Type


    pointing_id    numeric(5,0)  NOT NULL,
    slew_start     int           NOT NULL,
    slew_end       int           NOT NULL,
    ra             numeric(13,9) NOT NULL,
    dec            numeric(13,9) NOT NULL,
    otfthres       real          NOT NULL,
    instid         char(1)       NOT NULL,
    reqtype        char(1)       NOT NULL,
    apertid        tinyint       NOT NULL,
    ngrid          smallint      NOT NULL,
    nraster        smallint      NOT NULL,
    tslew1         int           NOT NULL,
    tslew2         int           NOT NULL,
    tslew3         int           NOT NULL,
    scan_dist      int           NOT NULL,
    linedist       smallint      NOT NULL,
    orient         tinyint       NOT NULL,
    rotate         real          NOT NULL,
    guide_star     int           NOT NULL,
    solaspct       real          NOT NULL,
    rpeamp         real          NOT NULL,
    slew_start_utk int           NOT NULL,
    slew_end_utk   int           NOT NULL,
    continge       smallint      NOT NULL,
    filename       char(12)      NOT NULL,
    version        char(4)       NOT NULL