The columns of this table are derived directly from
the cam_cstat table located in the IPA database.
Columns |
Name | Datatype | Null |
obsno | int | No |
utc_start_1 | int | No |
utc_start_2 | int | No |
utc_end_1 | int | No |
utc_end_2 | int | No |
csgpukst | int | No |
csgpuken | int | No |
csgpikst | int | No |
csgpiken | int | No |
cstadeid | tinyint | No |
cstamode | tinyint | No |
cstaentw | smallint | No |
cstafltw | smallint | No |
cstalnsw | smallint | No |
cstaselw | smallint | No |
cstaread | smallint | No |
cstatint | smallint | No |
cstaanom | tinyint | No |
cstaconf | tinyint | No |
cstaprim | tinyint | No |
cstavers | smallint | No |
cstaproc | smallint | No |
cstagain | smallint | No |
cstaoffs | smallint | No |
cstabflg | smallint | No |
cstaacim | smallint | No |
cstasaim | smallint | No |
cstacvfi | smallint | No |
filename | char(12) | No |
version | char(4) | No |
column csgpiken
column csgpikst
column csgpuken
column csgpukst
column cstaacim
column cstaanom
column cstabflg
column cstaconf
column cstacvfi
column cstadeid
column cstaentw
Table Usage (MB) |
Distribution of Table Space |
Data |
12.57 |
Data |
70.57 % |
Indexes |
5.15 |
Indexes |
28.90 % |
Unused |
0.09 |
Unused |
0.53 % |
Total |
17.81 |
of Rows |
141541 |
Dependencies |
Referencing Objects |
Object Name | Object Type |
dbo.cam_cstat.cam_cstat_ux2 | INDEX |
dbo.cam_cstat.cam_cstat_ix1 | INDEX |
dbo.cam_cstat.cam_cstat_ix2 | INDEX |
Referenced Objects |
Object Name | Object Type |
CREATE TABLE dbo.cam_cstat
obsno int NOT NULL,
utc_start_1 int NOT NULL,
utc_start_2 int NOT NULL,
utc_end_1 int NOT NULL,
utc_end_2 int NOT NULL,
csgpukst int NOT NULL,
csgpuken int NOT NULL,
csgpikst int NOT NULL,
csgpiken int NOT NULL,
cstadeid tinyint NOT NULL,
cstamode tinyint NOT NULL,
cstaentw smallint NOT NULL,
cstafltw smallint NOT NULL,
cstalnsw smallint NOT NULL,
cstaselw smallint NOT NULL,
cstaread smallint NOT NULL,
cstatint smallint NOT NULL,
cstaanom tinyint NOT NULL,
cstaconf tinyint NOT NULL,
cstaprim tinyint NOT NULL,
cstavers smallint NOT NULL,
cstaproc smallint NOT NULL,
cstagain smallint NOT NULL,
cstaoffs smallint NOT NULL,
cstabflg smallint NOT NULL,
cstaacim smallint NOT NULL,
cstasaim smallint NOT NULL,
cstacvfi smallint NOT NULL,
filename char(12) NOT NULL,
version char(4) NOT NULL