Measurement record for CAM AOTs. The attributes of
this entity are derived directly from the uplink MDB table cam_measure.
The script can take one or more of the following arguments:
no args:
Columns |
Name | Datatype | Null |
obsno | int | No |
count_index | smallint | No |
opers | char(6) | Yes |
beam | smallint | No |
pfov | float | Yes |
t_int | float | Yes |
adc_gain | int | Yes |
n_stab | int | Yes |
proc_drk | int | Yes |
proc_cln | int | Yes |
inttime | float | Yes |
fltr_cvf | smallint | No |
cvf_lambda | float | Yes |
proc_cal | int | Yes |
n_expos | int | Yes |
xtra_sw | int | Yes |
ncyc | int | Yes |
cvf_start | float | Yes |
cvf_end | float | Yes |
cvf_incr | int | Yes |
n_exp_cvf | int | Yes |
Gain of the analog chain.
column beam
Beam codes are as follows:
Index to distinguish between entries.
column cvf_end
Final wavelength of a CVF scan.
column cvf_incr
Numbers of steps between scan positions.
column cvf_lambda
Wavelength to use when filter = CVF.
column cvf_start
Initial wavelength of a CVF scan.
column fltr_cvf
Filter coded as follows:
Exposure time for measurement.
column n_exp_cvf
Number of exposures at each CVF position.
column n_expos
Number of readouts for the observation oper.
column n_stab
Number of stab readouts for the observation and dark measurement.
column ncyc
Times to repeat a cycle in C03.
column obsno
Observation number constructed
as follows:
Please see SCREW 385 for further
column opers
String made up of the following tokens with no separators:
column pfov
Pixel field of view.
column proc_cal
Number of the calibration procedure.
column proc_cln
Number of the clean procedure.
column proc_drk
Number of the dark procedure.
column t_int
Elem. Integration time for observation and dark.
column xtra_sw
Option to increase SW sensitivity.
Table Usage (MB) |
Distribution of Table Space |
Data |
1.45 |
Data |
81.47 % |
Indexes |
0.28 |
Indexes |
15.79 % |
Unused |
0.05 |
Unused |
2.74 % |
Total |
1.78 |
of Rows |
11865 |
Dependencies |
Referencing Objects |
Object Name | Object Type |
dbo.cam_measurement.cam_common_meas_fk | INDEX |
dbo.cam_measurement.cam_measurement_pk | INDEX |
Referenced Objects |
Object Name | Object Type |
CREATE TABLE dbo.cam_measurement
obsno int NOT NULL,
count_index smallint NOT NULL,
opers char(6) NULL,
beam smallint NOT NULL,
pfov float NULL,
t_int float NULL,
adc_gain int NULL,
n_stab int NULL,
proc_drk int NULL,
proc_cln int NULL,
inttime float NULL,
fltr_cvf smallint NOT NULL,
cvf_lambda float NULL,
proc_cal int NULL,
n_expos int NULL,
xtra_sw int NULL,
ncyc int NULL,
cvf_start float NULL,
cvf_end float NULL,
cvf_incr int NULL,
n_exp_cvf int NULL