Contains CAM specific references and information related to Calibration Observations (Calibration Observations Documentation).
COIF Co_list Numerical_config Mode_config Symbolic_config Timeline Pixel_co |
Observation Batch
Calibration Observation Interface File Calibration Observation List Numerical inst. settings and observational parameters Observational parameters and pointing information Symbolic inst. Settings and observational parameters Calibration Observation scheduling instructions. Pixel information. |
The table is populated by the script camcaldetails.csh
using the bcp character dump file camcaldetails.bcp created by the script
The camcaldetails.csh script can take one or more of the following arguments:
no args:
This assumes that the table has been created in the database icsa, and that any temporary tables needed have been built and populated with the necessary data.-build:
Forces the building of the table in the icsa database-build_all:
Forces the building and population of all temporary tables needed.-compress:
Is used to indicate that the datafiles have been compressed with the UNIX utility 'compress'. The data files will be re-compressed after use.-nodrop:
Indicates that temporary tables should not be dropped after use.
Columns |
Name | Datatype | Null |
obsno | int | No |
coif | varchar(64) | No |
cob | varchar(64) | Yes |
co_list | varchar(64) | Yes |
numerical_config | varchar(64) | Yes |
symbolic_config | varchar(64) | Yes |
mode_config | varchar(64) | Yes |
pixel_co | varchar(64) | Yes |
timeline | varchar(64) | Yes |
column co_list
column cob
column coif
column mode_config
column numerical_config
Reference to CAM calibration details files on disk.
column obsno
Observation number constructed as follows:
revolution number * 1000000 + target number * 1000 + observation sequence number * 10 + typeSee SCREW 385 for further details.
column pixel_co
column symbolic_config
column timeline
to CAM calibration details files on disk.
Table Usage (MB) |
Distribution of Table Space |
Data |
0.23 |
Data |
82.64 % |
Indexes |
0.03 |
Indexes |
9.03 % |
Unused |
0.02 |
Unused |
8.33 % |
Total |
0.28 |
of Rows |
1942 |
Dependencies |
Referencing Objects |
Object Name | Object Type |
dbo.camcaldetails.camcaldetails_pk | INDEX |
Referenced Objects |
Object Name | Object Type |
CREATE TABLE dbo.camcaldetails
obsno int NOT NULL,
coif varchar(64) NOT NULL,
cob varchar(64) NULL,
co_list varchar(64) NULL,
numerical_config varchar(64) NULL,
symbolic_config varchar(64) NULL,
mode_config varchar(64) NULL,
pixel_co varchar(64) NULL,
timeline varchar(64) NULL