The columns of this table are derived directly from
the csweoivals table in the IPA database.
Columns |
Name | Datatype | Null |
utk | int | No |
obsno | int | No |
cispmean | real | No |
cisprms | real | No |
cispmedi | real | No |
imagmean | real | No |
imagrms | real | No |
eminpix | smallint | No |
emaxpix | smallint | No |
eoimaxpix | smallint | Yes |
eoimax_i | tinyint | Yes |
eoimax_j | tinyint | Yes |
f2_adc_gain | tinyint | Yes |
f2_im_proc | tinyint | Yes |
f2_acc_ima | tinyint | Yes |
EOI less reset frame mean.
column cispmedi
EOI less reset frame median.
column cisprms
EOI less reset frame RMS.
column emaxpix
EOI less reset maximum pixel level in units of ADUs.
column eminpix
EOI less reset minimum pixel level in units of ADUs.
column eoimax_I
EOI maximum pixel level abscisse.
column eoimax_j
EOI maximum pixel level ordinate.
column eoimaxpix
EOI reset maximum pixel level in units of ADUs.
column f2_acc_ima
Number of accumulated images.
column f2_adc_gain
ADC gain.
column f2_im_proc
On-board processing mode.
column imagmean
Mean of two consecutive images.
column imagrms
RMS of two consecutive images.
column obsno
Observation number constructed as follows:
revolution number * 1000000 + target number * 1000 + observation sequence number * 10 + type.Please see SCREW 385 for further details.
column utk
UTK time.
Table Usage (MB) |
Distribution of Table Space |
Data |
40.67 |
Data |
77.32 % |
Indexes |
11.84 |
Indexes |
22.50 % |
Unused |
0.10 |
Unused |
0.19 % |
Total |
52.61 |
of Rows |
791298 |
Dependencies |
Referencing Objects |
Object Name | Object Type |
dbo.csweoivals.csweoivals_ucx | INDEX |
dbo.csweoivals.csweoivals_ux | INDEX |
Referenced Objects |
Object Name | Object Type |
CREATE TABLE dbo.csweoivals
utk int NOT NULL,
obsno int NOT NULL,
cispmean real NOT NULL,
cisprms real NOT NULL,
cispmedi real NOT NULL,
imagmean real NOT NULL,
imagrms real NOT NULL,
eminpix smallint NOT NULL,
emaxpix smallint NOT NULL,
eoimaxpix smallint NULL,
eoimax_i tinyint NULL,
eoimax_j tinyint NULL,
f2_adc_gain tinyint NULL,
f2_im_proc tinyint NULL,
f2_acc_ima tinyint NULL