This table contains a list of all guide stars used throughout the mission. This information has been provided by SCC. See also SCREW 392.
Values taken from ISO Guide star catalogue delivered by FD.
Columns |
Name | Datatype | Null |
refnum | int | No |
mflag_1 | tinyint | Yes |
mflag_2 | tinyint | Yes |
inca_hic_num | int | Yes |
gsc_tic_num_1 | int | Yes |
gsc_tic_num_2 | int | Yes |
dm_num_1 | int | Yes |
dm_num_2 | int | Yes |
dm_num_3 | int | Yes |
ccomp | char(4) | Yes |
ra | float | Yes |
dec | float | Yes |
cerror | float | Yes |
bmag | float | Yes |
bmag_err | float | Yes |
vmag | float | Yes |
vmag_err | float | Yes |
vcode | int | Yes |
gstar_code | char(1) | Yes |
pmotion | float | Yes |
mu_del | float | Yes |
parallax | float | Yes |
parallax_code | char(1) | Yes |
specclass | char(2) | Yes |
extobj_flag | char(1) | Yes |
update_flag | char(1) | Yes |
column bmag
B. magnitude.
column bmag_err
Error on B. magnitude.
column ccomp
Considered Components.
column cerror
Circular error.
column dec
column dm_num_1
column dm_num_2
column dm_num_3
DM number.
column extobj_flag
Flag for extended objects.
column gsc_tic_num_1
column gsc_tic_num_2
GSC TIC number.
column gstar_code
Guide star code.
column inca_hic_num
INCA HIC number.
column mflag_1
Multiplicity Flag 1.
column mflag_2
Multiplicity Flag 2.
column mu_del
Mu. Del.
column parallax
column parallax_code
Parallax code.
column pmotion
Proper motion.
column ra
Right ascension.
column refnum
Reference number.
column specclass
Spectral class.
column update_flag
Update flag.
column vcode
Variability code.
column vmag
V magnitude.
column vmag_err
Error on V magnitude.
Table Usage (MB) |
Distribution of Table Space |
Data |
17.04 |
Data |
93.10 % |
Indexes |
1.22 |
Indexes |
6.68 % |
Unused |
0.04 |
Unused |
0.21 % |
Total |
18.30 |
of Rows |
113363 |
Dependencies |
Referencing Objects |
Object Name | Object Type |
dbo.guide_star.guide_star_pk | INDEX |
Referenced Objects |
Object Name | Object Type |
CREATE TABLE dbo.guide_star
refnum int NOT NULL,
mflag_1 tinyint NULL,
mflag_2 tinyint NULL,
inca_hic_num int NULL,
gsc_tic_num_1 int NULL,
gsc_tic_num_2 int NULL,
dm_num_1 int NULL,
dm_num_2 int NULL,
dm_num_3 int NULL,
ccomp char(4) NULL,
ra float NULL,
dec float NULL,
cerror float NULL,
bmag float NULL,
bmag_err float NULL,
vmag float NULL,
vmag_err float NULL,
vcode int NULL,
gstar_code char(1) NULL,
pmotion float NULL,
mu_del float NULL,
parallax float NULL,
parallax_code char(1) NULL,
specclass char(2) NULL,
extobj_flag char(1) NULL,
update_flag char(1) NULL