The information in this table is extracted from the
Instrument Instantaneous Pointing History (IIPH) FITS file headers for
each observation.
Columns |
Name | Datatype | Null |
obsno | int | No |
attra | numeric(13,9) | No |
attdec | numeric(13,9) | No |
atttype | char(1) | No |
attrnpts | int | No |
attrnlns | int | No |
attrdpts | int | No |
attrdlns | int | No |
attrorie | int | No |
attrrota | float | No |
attguide | int | No |
attsaang | float | No |
atterror | int | No |
attmisq1 | float | No |
attmisq2 | float | No |
attmisq3 | float | No |
attmisq4 | float | No |
attinsq1 | float | No |
attinsq2 | float | No |
attinsq3 | float | No |
attinsq4 | float | No |
Intended Instrument J2000 Declination. Units: degrees.
column atterror
Guide star reference number.
column attinsq1
QSS/Instrument alignment quaternion Q(1).
column attinsq2
QSS/Instrument alignment quaternion Q(2).
column attinsq3
QSS/Instrument alignment quaternion Q(3).
column attinsq4
QSS/Instrument alignment quaternion Q(4).
column attmisq1
STR/QSS misalignment quaternion Q(1).
column attmisq2
STR/QSS misalignment quaternion Q(2).
column attmisq3
STR/QSS misalignment quaternion Q(3).
column attmisq4
STR/QSS misalignment quaternion Q(4).
column attra
Intended Instrument J2000 Right Ascension. Units: degrees.
column attrdlns
Distance between adjacent lines. Units: arcseconds.
column attrdpts
Distance between adjacent points. Units: arcseconds.
column attrnlns
Number of raster lines.
column attrnpts
Number of points per raster line.
column attrorie
Raster orientation flag (0 or 1).
column attrrota
Rotation of raster pattern. Units: degrees.
column attsaang
Solar aspect angle. Units: degrees.
column atttype
Type of attitude operation.
column obsno
Observation number constructed as follows:
revolution number * 1000000 + target number * 1000 + observation sequence number * 10 + type.Please see SCREW 385.
Table Usage (MB) |
Distribution of Table Space |
Data |
8.55 |
Data |
98.03 % |
Indexes |
0.05 |
Indexes |
0.56 % |
Unused |
0.12 |
Unused |
1.41 % |
Total |
8.72 |
of Rows |
65521 |
Dependencies |
Referencing Objects |
Object Name | Object Type |
dbo.iiph_hdr.iiph_hdr_ucx | INDEX |
Referenced Objects |
Object Name | Object Type |
CREATE TABLE dbo.iiph_hdr
obsno int NOT NULL,
attra numeric(13,9) NOT NULL,
attdec numeric(13,9) NOT NULL,
atttype char(1) NOT NULL,
attrnpts int NOT NULL,
attrnlns int NOT NULL,
attrdpts int NOT NULL,
attrdlns int NOT NULL,
attrorie int NOT NULL,
attrrota float NOT NULL,
attguide int NOT NULL,
attsaang float NOT NULL,
atterror int NOT NULL,
attmisq1 float NOT NULL,
attmisq2 float NOT NULL,
attmisq3 float NOT NULL,
attmisq4 float NOT NULL,
attinsq1 float NOT NULL,
attinsq2 float NOT NULL,
attinsq3 float NOT NULL,
attinsq4 float NOT NULL