These are the events from the instrument station report.
The format is as follows:
Code, Number, Start time, End Time
Note that for many events there is only one time, this
will be stored in the start time.
Columns |
Name | Datatype | Null |
obsno | int | No |
line | int | No |
code | char(4) | No |
number | int | No |
start_utc | char(11) | Yes |
end_utc | char(11) | Yes |
start_utk | int | Yes |
end_utk | int | Yes |
ISR event code.
column end_utc
End of ISR event in UTC.
column end_utk
End of ISR event in UTK.
column line
ISR event line number. Provides an index for the ISR events for an observation.
column number
ISR event number.
column obsno
Observation number constructed as follows:
revolution number * 1000000 + target number * 1000 + observation sequence number * 10 + type.Please see SCREW 385 for further details.
column start_utc
Start of ISR event in UTC.
column start_utk
Start of ISR event in UTK.
Table Usage (MB) |
Distribution of Table Space |
Data |
23.40 |
Data |
99.96 % |
Indexes |
0.00 |
Indexes |
0.00 % |
Unused |
0.01 |
Unused |
0.04 % |
Total |
23.41 |
of Rows |
566356 |
Dependencies |
Referencing Objects |
Object Name | Object Type |
Referenced Objects |
Object Name | Object Type |
CREATE TABLE dbo.isrevents
obsno int NOT NULL,
line int NOT NULL,
code char(4) NOT NULL,
number int NOT NULL,
start_utc char(11) NULL,
end_utc char(11) NULL,
start_utk int NULL,
end_utk int NULL