The information in this table has been extracted from
the LWS LSAN AA FITS file header for each observation. Note that for CUS
(L99) observations no AA files are produced, and therefor no information
will be available in this table.
Columns |
Name | Datatype | Null |
obsno | int | No |
lcgwco0 | float | No |
lcgwco1 | float | No |
lcgwco2 | float | No |
lcgwco3 | float | No |
lcgwco4 | float | No |
lcgwasw1 | float | No |
lcgwasw2 | float | No |
lcgwasw3 | float | No |
lcgwasw4 | float | No |
lcgwasw5 | float | No |
lcgwalw1 | float | No |
lcgwalw2 | float | No |
lcgwalw3 | float | No |
lcgwalw4 | float | No |
lcgwalw5 | float | No |
lvcoef0 | float | No |
lvcoef1 | float | No |
lvcoef2 | float | No |
naxis2 | int | No |
Angle for LW detector used during conversion of grating LVDT to wavelength.column lcgwasw1
Angle for SW detector used during conversion of grating LVDT to wavelength.column lcgwco0
Coefficients used during conversion of grating LVDT to wavelength.column loabsdn
Absolute responsivity correction done for this observation.column loreldn
Relative responsivity correction done for this observation.column lvcoef0
Coefficients of 2nd order fit for velocity correction.column naxis2
No of axis 2 pixels.column obsno
Observation number constructed as follows:revolution number * 1000000 + target number * 1000 + observation sequence number * 10 + type.Please see SCREW 385.
Table Usage (MB) |
Distribution of Table Space |
Data |
0.59 |
Data |
91.46 % |
Indexes |
0.01 |
Indexes |
0.91 % |
Unused |
0.05 |
Unused |
7.62 % |
Total |
0.64 |
of Rows |
3599 |
Dependencies |
Referencing Objects |
Object Name | Object Type |
dbo.lsan_hdr.lsan_hdr_ucx | INDEX |
Referenced Objects |
Object Name | Object Type |
CREATE TABLE dbo.lsan_hdr
obsno int NOT NULL,
lcgwco0 float NOT NULL,
lcgwco1 float NOT NULL,
lcgwco2 float NOT NULL,
lcgwco3 float NOT NULL,
lcgwco4 float NOT NULL,
lcgwasw1 float NOT NULL,
lcgwasw2 float NOT NULL,
lcgwasw3 float NOT NULL,
lcgwasw4 float NOT NULL,
lcgwasw5 float NOT NULL,
lcgwalw1 float NOT NULL,
lcgwalw2 float NOT NULL,
lcgwalw3 float NOT NULL,
lcgwalw4 float NOT NULL,
lcgwalw5 float NOT NULL,
lvcoef0 float NOT NULL,
lvcoef1 float NOT NULL,
lvcoef2 float NOT NULL,
naxis2 int NOT NULL