This information has been requested to be extracted
from the LWHK FITS product file by spectrometer (LWS/SWS) Instrument Support
Group (ISG).
Columns |
Name | Datatype | Null |
obsno | int | No |
time_in_utk | int | No |
adc_temp | smallint | No |
fpl_el_temp | smallint | No |
fps_el_temp | smallint | No |
fpl_temp | smallint | No |
fps_temp | smallint | No |
gr_el_temp | smallint | No |
wh_slow_no | smallint | No |
adc_volt_ref | smallint | No |
comp_sw1_lw5 | smallint | No |
dpu_temp | smallint | No |
fpl_curr_1 | smallint | No |
fpl_curr_2 | smallint | No |
fpl_curr_3 | smallint | No |
fpl_err_1 | smallint | No |
fpl_err_2 | smallint | No |
fpl_err_3 | smallint | No |
fpl_off_2 | smallint | No |
fpl_off_3 | smallint | No |
fpl_pwr | smallint | No |
fps_curr_1 | smallint | No |
fps_curr_2 | smallint | No |
fps_curr_3 | smallint | No |
fps_err_1 | smallint | No |
fps_err_2 | smallint | No |
fps_err_3 | smallint | No |
fps_off_2 | smallint | No |
fps_off_3 | smallint | No |
fps_pwr | smallint | No |
fp_flag | smallint | No |
fp_posn | smallint | No |
gain_sw1 | smallint | No |
gain_sw2 | smallint | No |
gain_sw3 | smallint | No |
gain_sw4 | smallint | No |
gain_sw5 | smallint | No |
gain_lw1 | smallint | No |
gain_lw2 | smallint | No |
gain_lw3 | smallint | No |
gain_lw4 | smallint | No |
gain_lw5 | smallint | No |
gr_err | smallint | No |
gr_flag | smallint | No |
gr_output | smallint | No |
gr_posn | smallint | No |
ill_curr | smallint | No |
nresets | smallint | No |
obs_flags | smallint | No |
str_temp | smallint | No |
wh_flag | smallint | No |
wh_output | smallint | No |
wh_position | smallint | No |
column adc_volt_ref
column comp_sw1_lw5
column dpu_temp
column fp_flag
column fp_posn
column fpl_curr_1
column fpl_curr_2
column fpl_curr_3
column fpl_el_temp
column fpl_err_1
column fpl_err_2
column fpl_err_3
column fpl_off_2
column fpl_off_3
column fpl_pwr
column fpl_temp
column fps_curr_1
column fps_curr_2
column fps_curr_3
column fps_el_temp
column fps_err_1
column fps_err_2
column fps_err_3
column fps_off_2
column fps_off_3
column fps_pwr
column fps_temp
column gain_lw1
column gain_lw2
column gain_lw3
column gain_lw4
column gain_lw5
column gain_sw1
column gain_sw2
column gain_sw3
column gain_sw4
column gain_sw5
column gr_el_temp
column gr_err
column gr_flag
column gr_output
column gr_posn
column ill_curr
column nresets
column obs_flags
column obsno
column str_temp
column time_in_utk
column wh_flag
column wh_output
column wh_position
column wh_slow_no
Table Usage (MB) |
Distribution of Table Space |
Data |
0.00 |
Data |
4.17 % |
Indexes |
0.00 |
Indexes |
8.33 % |
Unused |
0.04 |
Unused |
87.50 % |
Total |
0.05 |
of Rows |
0 |
Dependencies |
Referencing Objects |
Object Name | Object Type |
dbo.lwhk.lws_house_keeping_erd_pk | INDEX |
dbo.lwhk.observations_lws_h_k_erd_fk | INDEX |
Referenced Objects |
Object Name | Object Type |
obsno int NOT NULL,
time_in_utk int NOT NULL,
adc_temp smallint NOT NULL,
fpl_el_temp smallint NOT NULL,
fps_el_temp smallint NOT NULL,
fpl_temp smallint NOT NULL,
fps_temp smallint NOT NULL,
gr_el_temp smallint NOT NULL,
wh_slow_no smallint NOT NULL,
adc_volt_ref smallint NOT NULL,
comp_sw1_lw5 smallint NOT NULL,
dpu_temp smallint NOT NULL,
fpl_curr_1 smallint NOT NULL,
fpl_curr_2 smallint NOT NULL,
fpl_curr_3 smallint NOT NULL,
fpl_err_1 smallint NOT NULL,
fpl_err_2 smallint NOT NULL,
fpl_err_3 smallint NOT NULL,
fpl_off_2 smallint NOT NULL,
fpl_off_3 smallint NOT NULL,
fpl_pwr smallint NOT NULL,
fps_curr_1 smallint NOT NULL,
fps_curr_2 smallint NOT NULL,
fps_curr_3 smallint NOT NULL,
fps_err_1 smallint NOT NULL,
fps_err_2 smallint NOT NULL,
fps_err_3 smallint NOT NULL,
fps_off_2 smallint NOT NULL,
fps_off_3 smallint NOT NULL,
fps_pwr smallint NOT NULL,
fp_flag smallint NOT NULL,
fp_posn smallint NOT NULL,
gain_sw1 smallint NOT NULL,
gain_sw2 smallint NOT NULL,
gain_sw3 smallint NOT NULL,
gain_sw4 smallint NOT NULL,
gain_sw5 smallint NOT NULL,
gain_lw1 smallint NOT NULL,
gain_lw2 smallint NOT NULL,
gain_lw3 smallint NOT NULL,
gain_lw4 smallint NOT NULL,
gain_lw5 smallint NOT NULL,
gr_err smallint NOT NULL,
gr_flag smallint NOT NULL,
gr_output smallint NOT NULL,
gr_posn smallint NOT NULL,
ill_curr smallint NOT NULL,
nresets smallint NOT NULL,
obs_flags smallint NOT NULL,
str_temp smallint NOT NULL,
wh_flag smallint NOT NULL,
wh_output smallint NOT NULL,
wh_position smallint NOT NULL