Columns |
Name | Datatype | Null |
obsno | int | No |
utc_start_1 | int | No |
utc_start_2 | int | No |
utc_end_1 | int | No |
utc_end_2 | int | No |
csgpukst | int | No |
csgpuken | int | No |
csgpikst | int | No |
csgpiken | int | No |
lstasmp1 | smallint | No |
lstasmp2 | smallint | No |
lstasmp3 | smallint | No |
lstasmp4 | smallint | No |
lstasmp5 | smallint | No |
lstasmp6 | smallint | No |
lstasmp7 | smallint | No |
lstaltyp | smallint | No |
lstagrsn | smallint | No |
lstagrsd | smallint | No |
lstastat | smallint | No |
lstafpsn | smallint | No |
lstafpsd | smallint | No |
filename | char(12) | No |
version | char(4) | No |
ITK end time.
column csgpikst
ITK start time.
column csgpuken
UTK end time.
column csgpukst
UTK start time.
column filename
FITS product filename.
column lstafpsd
FP scan direction.
column lstafpsn
FP scan number.
column lstagrsd
Grating scan number.
column lstagrsn
Grating scan number.
column lstaltyp
Sample list type.
column lstasmp1
column lstasmp2
column lstasmp3
column lstasmp4
column lstasmp5
column lstasmp6
column lstasmp7
Sample list word 1 to 7.
column lstastat
Instrument status.
column obsno
Observation number constructed as follows:column utc_end_1revolution number * 1000000 + target number * 1000 + observation sequence number*10 + type.
UTC time of the end of the observation truncated to a whole number of seconds after the beginning of the year 1989.column utc_end_2
Remaining fraction of a second that had been truncated from the preceding UTC value (utc_end_1).column utc_start_1
UTC time of the start of the observation truncated to a whole number of seconds after the beginning of the year 1989.column utc_start_2
Remaining fraction of a second that had been truncated from the preceding UTC value(utc_start_1).column version
Version of the LWS CSTAT FITS product file.
Table Usage (MB) |
Distribution of Table Space |
Data |
22.92 |
Data |
99.05 % |
Indexes |
0.15 |
Indexes |
0.66 % |
Unused |
0.07 |
Unused |
0.30 % |
Total |
23.14 |
of Rows |
281592 |
Dependencies |
Referencing Objects |
Object Name | Object Type |
dbo.lws_cstat.lws_cstat_ucx | INDEX |
Referenced Objects |
Object Name | Object Type |
CREATE TABLE dbo.lws_cstat
obsno int NOT NULL,
utc_start_1 int NOT NULL,
utc_start_2 int NOT NULL,
utc_end_1 int NOT NULL,
utc_end_2 int NOT NULL,
csgpukst int NOT NULL,
csgpuken int NOT NULL,
csgpikst int NOT NULL,
csgpiken int NOT NULL,
lstasmp1 smallint NOT NULL,
lstasmp2 smallint NOT NULL,
lstasmp3 smallint NOT NULL,
lstasmp4 smallint NOT NULL,
lstasmp5 smallint NOT NULL,
lstasmp6 smallint NOT NULL,
lstasmp7 smallint NOT NULL,
lstaltyp smallint NOT NULL,
lstagrsn smallint NOT NULL,
lstagrsd smallint NOT NULL,
lstastat smallint NOT NULL,
lstafpsn smallint NOT NULL,
lstafpsd smallint NOT NULL,
filename char(12) NOT NULL,
version char(4) NOT NULL