

Object Type







The observations table gives a fundamental set of parameters for each observation. It is derived from the obslog tabel in the current IPA. The information contained in the following fields is taken directly from the EOHA FITS product file:

revolution number
target number
Observation Sequence Number (OSN)
proposal identifier
observer identifier
observation start UTC
observation end UTC
prime instrument
name of AOT
name of target
calibration indicator
CAM parallel flag
distribution status

The following information in the IPA obslog table is considered redundant:

proposoal category
scientific category                    these are now attributes of the proposal data table and the
                                                 values are to be taken form the uplink MDB proposal table
observation start UTC(2)
observation end UTC(2)           this is the fraction of seconds and is zero in the current IPA.
comment from QC
quality of observation               the current quality system is to be replaced

The actual ra, dec and role, together with their corrected values, will be taken from the IRPH FITS product file for each pointing observation.

Use and Related Data

This is the main catalogue of observations in the database and as such it is central to all activities.


This table has been populated during BKRP by db-import. The following columns have been populated by db-import:
observation number
observer identifier
proposal identifier
revolution number
target number
observation start UTC
observation end UTC
instrument identifier
name of AOT
name of target
observation type
calibration indicator
CAM parallel flag
distribution status
link indicator
right ascension
roll angle
corrected right ascension
corrected declination
corrected roll angle
The quality information has been added after BKRP and the following fields will be updated manually when necessary:
OFRP product quality rating
OFRP quality version
The phase start and phase end values have been calculated on the basis of the start and end times of the observation, together with the rimes of apogee for that revolution, which has been provided by Flight Dynamics (FD), and is stored in the revolutions table.
Name Datatype Null
obsno int No
obsid char(8) Yes
propid char(8) Yes
revno smallint No
targetno smallint No
osn tinyint No
utc_start int No
utc_end int No
instid char(1) No
aotname char(4) Yes
target char(30) Yes
cal_flag char(1) Yes
cam_par_flag char(1) Yes
type char(1) Yes
dist_status char(1) Yes
ehalind char(2) Yes
prodqlty char(1) Yes
qltyver int Yes
ofrp_prodqlty char(1) Yes
ofrp_qltyver int Yes
comment_available tinyint Yes
ra numeric(13,9) Yes
dec numeric(13,9) Yes
roll float Yes
utk_start int Yes
utk_end int Yes
cra numeric(13,9) Yes
cdec numeric(13,9) Yes
croll float Yes
phase_start float Yes
phase_end float Yes
bp_valid char(1) Yes
ofrp_bp_valid char(1) Yes
overlap tinyint No
usredata_available int Yes
caveat varchar(64) Yes
comment text Yes
dqr_available tinyint No
display tinyint No
submodeAnchor varchar(30) Yes
fov varchar(24) Yes
column aotname

     AOT Name         Observations Type
    C01                       Standard (AOT)
    C03                       Standard (AOT)
    C04                       Standard (AOT)
    C05                       Standard (calibration)
    C60                       Engineering (activation)
    C61                       Engineering (activation)
    C62                       Engineering (de-activation)
    C63                       Engineering (handover)
    C99                       Standard (calibration)
    C//                         Parallel
    L01                       Standard (AOT)
    L02                       Standard (AOT)
    L03                       Standard (AOT)
    L04                       Standard (AOT)
    L22                       Engineering (handover)
    L23                       Engineering (handover)
    L70                       Engineering (activation)
    L71                       Engineering (activation)
    L72                       Engineering (activation)
    L76                       Engineering (de-activation)
    L99                       Standard (calibration)
    L//                         Serenditouslyparallel
    P03                       Standard (AOT)
    P04                       Standard (AOT)
    P05                       Standard (AOT)
    P17                       Standard (AOT)
    P18                       Standard (AOT)
    P19                       Standard (AOT)
    P22                       Standard (AOT)
    P25                       Standard (AOT)
    P32                       Standard (AOT)
    P37                       Standard (AOT)
    P38                       Standard (AOT)
    P39                       Standard (AOT)
    P40                       Standard (AOT)
    P50                       Standard (calibration)
    P51                       Standard (calibration)
    P77                       Serendipity
    P80                       Engineering (activation)
    P81                       Engineering (activation)
    P82                       Engineering (activation)
    P83                       Engineering (activation)
    P84                       Engineering (de-activation)
    P99                       Standard (calibration)
    S01                       Standard (AOT)
    S02                       Standard (AOT)
    S06                       Standard (AOT)
    S07                       Standard (AOT)
    S90                       Engineering (activation)
    S91                       Engineering (activation)
    S92                       Engineering (activation)
    S93                       Engineering (activation)
    S94                       Engineering (activation)
    S98                       Engineering (de-activation)
    S99                       Standard(calibration).

column cal_flag

     Calibration indicator.

column cam_par_flag

     CAM parallel flag: 'Y' if CAM parallel data exists for this particular observation.

column cdec

     Corrected declination. Units: degrees.

column cra

     Corrected right ascension. Units: hours.

column croll

     Corrected roll angle. Units: degrees.

column ra

     Right ascension. Units: hours.

column dec

     Declination. Units: degrees.

column roll

      Roll angle. Units: degrees.

column dist_status

     Distribution status:

    ?     Undefined
    Y     Observation OK to distribute
    N     Not OK to distribute
    Q     Queued for distribution,
    D     Distributed.

    This column is no longer valid and is present for historical purposes only.

column ehalind

     Link indicator.

column instid

     (Prime) instrument identifier:
     C     CAM
     L     LWS
     P     PHT
     S     SWS.

column obsid

     Observer identifier.

column obsno

     Observation number constructed as follows:

    revolution number * 1000000 + target number * 1000 + observation sequence number * 10 + type.

See SCREW 385.

column ofrp_prodqlty

     Column superceeded.

column ofrp_qltyver

    Column superceeded.     

column osn

     Observation Sequence Number.

column phase_end

     Phase in orbit at end.

column phase_start

     Phase in orbit at end.

column prodqlty

     Column superceeded by Data Quality Report system. See SCREW 509 for details.

column propid

     Proposal identifier.

column comment_available

    Column superceeded by Data Quality Report system. See SCREW 509 for details.

column qltyver

     Column superceeded.

column ra

     Right ascension. Units: milli arcseconds.

column revno

     Revolution number.

column roll

     Roll angle. Units: degrees.

column target

     Name of target. The target for LWS parallel observations (aotname "L//") has been
     set to "", see SPR 2826. The target for PHT serendipity (aotname "P77") has also
     been set to "".

column targetno

     Target number.

column type

     Observation type:
     C     CAM parallel observation
     E      Engineering (activation, de-activation, handover) observation
     L      LWS parallel observation
     P      PHT serendipity observation
     S      Standard observation.

column utc_end

     Observation end UTC. Measured in seconds from the beginning of 1989.

column utc_start

     Observation start UTC. Measured in seconds from the beginning of 1989.

column utk_end

     Observation end UTK. Calculated from utc_end.

column utk_start

     Observation start UTK. Calculated from utc_start.

column bp_valid

     Browse product validation status.

column ofrp_bp_valid

     Column no longer valid.

column overlap

     Indicates whether the obervation has an overlapping observation defined in the overlapping_observations table

column usredata_available

     Indicates if User Reduced Data is available for this observation (now called Highly Processed Data Products HPDP).

column caveat

     The path to the caveat file associated with the observation.

column comment

     The text of the Data Quality Report comments field.

column dqr_available

     Indicates if a Data Quality Report is available for the observation.

column display

    Indicates if the observation should be displayed in the UI by default. See the Data Quality Report SCREW 509 for
    further info.

column submodeAnchor

     The anchor tag containg the observations submode. This is for use by the Postcard Server only.

column fov

     The fov associated with the observation, as displayed by the UIS. See SPR 3818 for details.

Table Usage (MB)

Distribution of Table Space





51.93 %




42.11 %




5.97 %



Number of Rows


Referencing Objects
Object Name Object Type
dbo.observations.observations_ux INDEX
dbo.observations.proposals_observations_ix INDEX
dbo.observations.revolutions_observations_ix INDEX
dbo.observations.observations_aotname_ix INDEX
dbo.observations.observations_prodqlty_ix INDEX
dbo.observations.observations_ofrp_prodqlty INDEX
dbo.observations.observations_aot_ix INDEX
dbo.observations.observations_prodq_ix INDEX
dbo.observations.observations_ix3 INDEX
Referenced Objects
Object Name Object Type


CREATE TABLE dbo.observations 
    obsno              int           NOT NULL,
    obsid              char(8)       NULL,
    propid             char(8)       NULL,
    revno              smallint      NOT NULL,
    targetno           smallint      NOT NULL,
    osn                tinyint       NOT NULL,
    utc_start          int           NOT NULL,
    utc_end            int           NOT NULL,
    instid             char(1)       NOT NULL,
    aotname            char(4)       NULL,
    target             char(30)      NULL,
    cal_flag           char(1)       NULL,
    cam_par_flag       char(1)       NULL,
    type               char(1)       NULL,
    dist_status        char(1)       NULL,
    ehalind            char(2)       NULL,
    prodqlty           char(1)       NULL,
    qltyver            int           NULL,
    ofrp_prodqlty      char(1)       NULL,
    ofrp_qltyver       int           NULL,
    comment_available  tinyint       NULL,
    ra                 numeric(13,9) NULL,
    dec                numeric(13,9) NULL,
    roll               float         NULL,
    utk_start          int           NULL,
    utk_end            int           NULL,
    cra                numeric(13,9) NULL,
    cdec               numeric(13,9) NULL,
    croll              float         NULL,
    phase_start        float         NULL,
    phase_end          float         NULL,
    bp_valid           char(1)       NULL,
    ofrp_bp_valid      char(1)       NULL,
    overlap            tinyint       DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
    usredata_available int           DEFAULT 0 NULL NULL,
    caveat             varchar(64)   NULL,
    comment            text          NULL,
    dqr_available      tinyint       NOT NULL,
    display            tinyint       NOT NULL,
    submodeAnchor      varchar(30)   NULL,
    fov                varchar(24)   NULL