This table contains information about the position
and velocity of ISO for each spacecraft pointing.
Columns |
Name | Datatype | Null |
obsno | int | No |
pid | int | No |
x_geo_pos | float | No |
y_geo_pos | float | No |
z_geo_pos | float | No |
x_geo_vel | float | No |
y_geo_vel | float | No |
z_geo_vel | float | No |
x_helio_pos | float | No |
y_helio_pos | float | No |
z_helio_pos | float | No |
x_helio_vel | float | No |
y_helio_vel | float | No |
z_helio_vel | float | No |
sun_angle | float | No |
moon_angle | float | No |
jupiter_angle | float | No |
earth_angle | float | No |
column earth_angle
Angle between pointing direction and the centre of the earth. Units: degrees.
column jupiter_angle
Angle between pointing direction and the centre of jupiter. Units: degrees.
column moon_angle
Angle between pointing direction and the centre of the moon. Units: degrees.
column obsno
Observation number constructed as follows:
revolution number * 1000000 + target number * 1000 + observation sequence number * 10 + type.Please see SCREW 385.
column pid
Pointing identifier.
column sun_angle
Angle between pointing direction and the angle of the sun. Units: degrees.
column x_geo_pos
X component of spacecraft geocentric position vector.
column x_geo_vel
X component of spacecraft geocentric velocity vector.
column x_helio_pos
X component of spacecraft heliocentric position vector.
column x_helio_vel
X component of spacecraft heliocentric velocity vector.
column y_geo_pos
Y component of spacecraft geocentric position vector.
column y_geo_vel
Y component of spacecraft geocentric velocity vector.
column y_helio_pos
Y component of spacecraft heliocentric position vector.
column y_helio_vel
Y component of spacecraft heliocentric velocity vector.
column z_geo_pos
Z component of spacecraft geocentric position vector.
column z_geo_vel
Z component of spacecraft geocentric velocity vector.
column z_helio_pos
Z component of spacecraft heliocentric position vector.
column z_helio_vel
Z component of spacecraft heliocentric velocity vector.
Table Usage (MB) |
Distribution of Table Space |
Data |
208.56 |
Data |
83.43 % |
Indexes |
40.72 |
Indexes |
16.29 % |
Unused |
0.69 |
Unused |
0.28 % |
Total |
249.97 |
of Rows |
1494927 |
Dependencies |
Referencing Objects |
Object Name | Object Type |
dbo.orbit_data.orbit_data_ux | INDEX |
Referenced Objects |
Object Name | Object Type |
CREATE TABLE dbo.orbit_data
obsno int NOT NULL,
pid int NOT NULL,
x_geo_pos float NOT NULL,
y_geo_pos float NOT NULL,
z_geo_pos float NOT NULL,
x_geo_vel float NOT NULL,
y_geo_vel float NOT NULL,
z_geo_vel float NOT NULL,
x_helio_pos float NOT NULL,
y_helio_pos float NOT NULL,
z_helio_pos float NOT NULL,
x_helio_vel float NOT NULL,
y_helio_vel float NOT NULL,
z_helio_vel float NOT NULL,
sun_angle float NOT NULL,
moon_angle float NOT NULL,
jupiter_angle float NOT NULL,
earth_angle float NOT NULL