

Object Type







The columns in this table have been derived directly from the pht_cstat table in IPA.

Use and Related Data

See the ISO Data Product Document, IDPD SAI/94-1266/Dc for a further description of the columns in this table.


This table has been populated during BKRP by db-import.
Name Datatype Null
obsno int No
utc_start_1 int No
utc_start_2 int No
utc_end_1 int No
utc_end_2 int No
csgpukst int No
csgpuken int No
csgpikst int No
csgpiken int No
pstasubs smallint No
pstaopfo smallint No
pstaf1ts smallint No
pstaf2ts smallint No
pstaf1ps float No
pstaf2ps float No
pstac1ps smallint No
pstac2ps smallint No
pstac3ps smallint No
pstacmod smallint No
pstacamp smallint No
pstacste smallint No
pstacinc smallint No
pstacres smallint No
pstadeta smallint No
pstadrs smallint No
pstamux1 smallint No
pstamux2 smallint No
pstaxsta smallint No
pstad1of smallint No
pstad1ga smallint No
pstad2of smallint No
pstad2ga smallint No
pstafreq smallint No
pstanndr smallint No
pstandr smallint No
pstaintt smallint No
pstameat int No
pstampc1 smallint No
pstampc2 smallint No
pstampc3 smallint No
pstamet smallint No
filename char(12) No
version char(4) No

column csgpiken

Observation end time ITK.

column csgpikst

Observation start time ITK.

column csgpuken

Observation end time UTK.

column csgpukst

Observation start time UTK.

column filename

FITS filename.

column obsno

Observation number constructed as follows:

revolution number * 1000000 + target number * 1000 + observation sequence number * 10 + type.

See SCREW 385 fur further details.

column pstac1ps

CHW1 selected position.

column pstac2ps

CHW2 selected position.

column pstac3ps

CHW3 selected position.

column pstacamp

Chopper amplitude.

column pstacinc

Chopper increment.

column pstacmod

Chopper mode.

column pstacres

CRE switch.

column pstacste

Chopper step.

column pstad1ga

DIE1 gain.

column pstad1of

DIE1 offset.

column pstad2ga

DIE2 gain.

column pstad2of

DIE2 offset.

column pstadeta

Detector assembly.

column pstadrs

Data reduction size.

column pstaf1ps

50.0 * FCS1/4059 power selection, see SCREW 375.

column pstaf1ts

Selected TRS for FCS1.

column pstaf2ps

50.0 * FCS2/4059 power selection, see SCREW 375.

column pstaf2ts

Selected TRS for FCS2.

column pstafreq


column pstaintt

Integration time.

column pstameat

Measurement time by the power of two, see SCREW 375.

column pstamet

Measured EEU temperature.

column pstampc1

Measured position CHW1.

column pstampc2

Measured position CHW2.

column pstampc3

Measured position CHW3.

column pstamux1

MUX1 line.

column pstamux2

MUX2 line.

column pstandr

Number of DRs by the power of two, see SCREW 375.

column pstanndr

Number of NDRs by the power of two, see SCREW 375.

column pstaopfo

Chopper OPF override.

column pstasubs

PHT subsystem.

column pstaxsta

Cross status.

column utc_end_1

UTC time of the end of the observation truncated to a whole number of seconds after the beginning  of the year 1989.

column utc_end_2

Remaining fraction of a second that had been truncated from the preceding UTC value  (utc_end_1).

column utc_start_1

UTC time of the start of the observation truncated to a whole number of seconds after the beginning  of the year 1989.

column utc_start_2

 Remaining fraction of a second that had been truncated from the preceding UTC value  (utc_start_1).

column version

File version. The version is obtained from the keyword FILEVERS in the header of the FITS file.

Table Usage (MB)

Distribution of Table Space





87.84 %




10.78 %




1.38 %



Number of Rows


Referencing Objects
Object Name Object Type
dbo.pht_cstat.pht_cstat_ucx INDEX
dbo.pht_cstat.pht_cstat_ux INDEX
Referenced Objects
Object Name Object Type


CREATE TABLE dbo.pht_cstat 
    obsno       int      NOT NULL,
    utc_start_1 int      NOT NULL,
    utc_start_2 int      NOT NULL,
    utc_end_1   int      NOT NULL,
    utc_end_2   int      NOT NULL,
    csgpukst    int      NOT NULL,
    csgpuken    int      NOT NULL,
    csgpikst    int      NOT NULL,
    csgpiken    int      NOT NULL,
    pstasubs    smallint NOT NULL,
    pstaopfo    smallint NOT NULL,
    pstaf1ts    smallint NOT NULL,
    pstaf2ts    smallint NOT NULL,
    pstaf1ps    float    NOT NULL,
    pstaf2ps    float    NOT NULL,
    pstac1ps    smallint NOT NULL,
    pstac2ps    smallint NOT NULL,
    pstac3ps    smallint NOT NULL,
    pstacmod    smallint NOT NULL,
    pstacamp    smallint NOT NULL,
    pstacste    smallint NOT NULL,
    pstacinc    smallint NOT NULL,
    pstacres    smallint NOT NULL,
    pstadeta    smallint NOT NULL,
    pstadrs     smallint NOT NULL,
    pstamux1    smallint NOT NULL,
    pstamux2    smallint NOT NULL,
    pstaxsta    smallint NOT NULL,
    pstad1of    smallint NOT NULL,
    pstad1ga    smallint NOT NULL,
    pstad2of    smallint NOT NULL,
    pstad2ga    smallint NOT NULL,
    pstafreq    smallint NOT NULL,
    pstanndr    smallint NOT NULL,
    pstandr     smallint NOT NULL,
    pstaintt    smallint NOT NULL,
    pstameat    int      NOT NULL,
    pstampc1    smallint NOT NULL,
    pstampc2    smallint NOT NULL,
    pstampc3    smallint NOT NULL,
    pstamet     smallint NOT NULL,
    filename    char(12) NOT NULL,
    version     char(4)  NOT NULL