

Object Type







The columns of this table have been derived directly from those of the pht_measure table in the uplink MDB.

Use and RelatedData



This table is populated by the script uplink_data.csh. The script uses bcp dump files produced by the utility programs dump_mdb and dump_isolog.

The script can take one or more of the following arguments:

no args: This assumes that all tables have been created in the database
icsa, and that all temporary tables have been built and populated
with the necessary uplink data.

-build: Forces the building of the icsa tables in the icsa database

-build_all: Forces the building and population of all temporary tables needed.

-compress: Is used to indicate that the datafiles have been compressed with
the UNIX utility 'compress'. The data files will be re-compressed
after use.

-nodrop: Indicates that temporary tables should not be dropped after use.
Name Datatype Null
obsno int No
count_index smallint No
filter smallint No
aperture smallint No
sflux float Yes
maxbflux float Yes
uncflux float Yes
maxusbrgt float Yes
minsurfbrgt float Yes
compflag smallint No
inttime float Yes
sgnr float Yes
e_inttime float Yes
e_sgnr float Yes

column aperture

     Aperture selection values, ordered by wheel position (wheel II, inner circle):

-1 Aperture, (wheel II) not selected.
1    P_APER_52_SEC
2    P_APER_79_SEC
3    P_APER_99_SEC
4    P_APER_120_SEC
5    P_APER_127x127_SEC2
6    P_APER_180_SEC
7    P_APER_180_SEC_XBLK
8    P_APER_5_SEC
9    P_APER_7P6_SEC
10    P_APER_10_SEC
11    P_APER_13P8_SEC
12    P_APER_18_SEC
13    P_APER_20x32_SEC2
14    P_APER_23_SEC
column compflag

Item entered by the user in PGA:
    0    User entered integration time (column inttime), e_sgnr is calculated.
    1    User entered signal to noise ratio (column sgnr), e_inttime is calculated.

column count_index

Index to distinguish between entries.

column e_inttime

Achieved (calculated) intergration time per step. Units: seconds.

column e_sgnr

Achieved (calculated) signal to noise ratio.

column filter

Filter selection values, ordered by wheel position.
For PHT-P filters (see wheel III), the values are:

For PHT-P filters (wheel II, outer circle). Subtract 14 to get wheel position: PHT-S. These values are not really filters, not have they correspoonding wheel positions. They are added for ease of use: column inttime

Achieved (calculated) integration time.

column maxbflux

Maximum background flux. Units: Mjansky per steradial.

column maxusbrgt

Maximum unsaturated brightness. Units: Mjansky per steradial.

column minsurfbrgt

Minimum surface brightness. Units: Mjansky per steradial.

column obsno

Observation number constructed as follows:

revolution number * 1000000 + target number * 1000 + observation sequence number * 10 + type.

Please see SCREW 385 for further details.

column sflux

Source flux. Units: for point sources: jansky, for extended sources: Mjansky per steradial.

column sgnr

Achieved (calculated) siganl to noise ratio.

column uncflux

Uncertainty in the flux. Units: for point sources: jansky, for extended sources: Mjansky per steradial.

Table Usage (MB)

Distribution of Table Space





73.58 %




23.79 %




2.62 %



Number of Rows


Referencing Objects
Object Name Object Type
dbo.pht_measurement.pht_measurement_pk INDEX
dbo.pht_measurement.pht_common_meas_fk INDEX
dbo.pht_measurement.pht_measurement_ix1 INDEX
dbo.pht_measurement.pht_measurement_ix2 INDEX
Referenced Objects
Object Name Object Type


CREATE TABLE dbo.pht_measurement 
    obsno       int      NOT NULL,
    count_index smallint NOT NULL,
    filter      smallint NOT NULL,
    aperture    smallint NOT NULL,
    sflux       float    NULL,
    maxbflux    float    NULL,
    uncflux     float    NULL,
    maxusbrgt   float    NULL,
    minsurfbrgt float    NULL,
    compflag    smallint NOT NULL,
    inttime     float    NULL,
    sgnr        float    NULL,
    e_inttime   float    NULL,
    e_sgnr      float    NULL