The columns of this table were originally derived
directly from the pprs table in the IPA database. This has since been modified,
together with the pcrs table which is now the pht_responsivities table,
for reasons of clarity.
See SCREW 387 for further details.
Columns |
Name | Datatype | Null |
obsno | int | No |
subsys | char(2) | No |
pixel | smallint | No |
readauto | int | No |
readsusp | int | No |
readofft | int | No |
readcop | int | No |
rampsat | int | No |
rampdegl | int | No |
ramppct | real | No |
rampuset | real | No |
platnorp | int | No |
platdrop | int | No |
numdrs | int | No |
numndrs | int | No |
mindegl | smallint | No |
maxerr | real | No |
numiter | smallint | No |
numlocal | int | No |
numstep | int | No |
numsigma | real | No |
numbad | smallint | No |
drift | char(1) | No |
rfitdeg | tinyint | No |
discndrs | smallint | No |
drflag | char(1) | No |
column discndrs
Number of NDRs rescarded.
column drflag
Destructive readout used flag:
T True
F False.
column drift
Drift correction flag:
T True
F False.
column maxerr
Maximum error allowed for deglitcher.
column mindegl
Minimum no points to apply deglitcher.
column numbad
Number of times flagged bad for reject.
column numdrs
Number of ramps per plateau.
column numiter
Number of iterations of filter.
column numlocal
Number of points in local distributions.
column numndrs
Number of NDRs per ramp.
column numsigma
Number of sigma badness threshold.
column numstep
Number of points to step (deglitcher).
column obsno
Observation number constructed as follows:
revolution number * 1000000 + target number * 1000 + observation sequence number * 10 + type.Please see SCREW 385.
column pixel
Pixel used to accumulate statistics.
column platdrop
Number of plateaux dropouts due to gaps.
column platnorp
Number of plateaux with no good ramps.
column rampdegl
Number of ramps rejected by deglitcher.
column ramppct
Percentage of ramps accepted.
column rampsat
Number of saturated ramps.
column rampuset
Percentage of time achieved.
column readauto
Number of readouts with auto data reduction.
column readcop
Number of readouts with chopper off position.
column readofft
Number of readouts off target.
column readsusp
Number of readouts with suspect flag set.
column rfitdeg
Degree of ramp fit.
column subsys
Detector subsystem (e.g. P1, P2, SL).
Table Usage (MB) |
Distribution of Table Space |
Data |
0.46 |
Data |
90.15 % |
Indexes |
0.01 |
Indexes |
1.14 % |
Unused |
0.04 |
Unused |
8.71 % |
Total |
0.52 |
of Rows |
5452 |
Dependencies |
Referencing Objects |
Object Name | Object Type |
dbo.pht_olpsignalproc.pht_olpsignalproc_ucx | INDEX |
Referenced Objects |
Object Name | Object Type |
CREATE TABLE dbo.pht_olpsignalproc
obsno int NOT NULL,
subsys char(2) NOT NULL,
pixel smallint NOT NULL,
readauto int NOT NULL,
readsusp int NOT NULL,
readofft int NOT NULL,
readcop int NOT NULL,
rampsat int NOT NULL,
rampdegl int NOT NULL,
ramppct real NOT NULL,
rampuset real NOT NULL,
platnorp int NOT NULL,
platdrop int NOT NULL,
numdrs int NOT NULL,
numndrs int NOT NULL,
mindegl smallint NOT NULL,
maxerr real NOT NULL,
numiter smallint NOT NULL,
numlocal int NOT NULL,
numstep int NOT NULL,
numsigma real NOT NULL,
numbad smallint NOT NULL,
drift char(1) NOT NULL,
rfitdeg tinyint NOT NULL,
discndrs smallint NOT NULL,
drflag char(1) NOT NULL