The columns of this table were originally derived
directly from the pcrs table in the IPA database. This has since been mofified,
together with what was the pprs table and is now called pht_olpsignalproc,
for reasons of clarity.
See SCREWs 386 and 387 for further information.
Columns |
Name | Datatype | Null |
obsno | int | No |
subsys | char(2) | No |
calfilt | smallint | No |
calsequ | smallint | No |
calfcs | tinyint | No |
calaper | smallint | No |
calpol | smallint | No |
calnmeas | smallint | No |
fpcmode | char(2) | No |
seltrs1 | tinyint | No |
seltrs2 | tinyint | No |
selpow1 | real | No |
selpow2 | real | No |
resp1 | real | No |
resp2 | real | No |
resp3 | real | No |
resp4 | real | No |
resp5 | real | No |
resp6 | real | No |
resp7 | real | No |
resp8 | real | No |
resp9 | real | No |
respu1 | real | No |
respu2 | real | No |
respu3 | real | No |
respu4 | real | No |
respu5 | real | No |
respu6 | real | No |
respu7 | real | No |
respu8 | real | No |
respu9 | real | No |
resp2_1 | real | Yes |
resp2_2 | real | Yes |
resp2_3 | real | Yes |
resp2_4 | real | Yes |
resp2_5 | real | Yes |
resp2_6 | real | Yes |
resp2_7 | real | Yes |
resp2_8 | real | Yes |
resp2_9 | real | Yes |
respu2_1 | real | Yes |
respu2_2 | real | Yes |
respu2_3 | real | Yes |
respu2_4 | real | Yes |
respu2_5 | real | Yes |
respu2_6 | real | Yes |
respu2_7 | real | Yes |
respu2_8 | real | Yes |
respu2_9 | real | Yes |
Aperture used for calibration (chw pos).column calfcs
FCS used for calibration calculations.column calfilt
Filter used for calib (chw pos).column calnmeas
Number of calibration measurements.column calpol
Polerization setting for calibration (chw pos).column calsequ
Calibration sequence identifier.column fpcmode
Chopper mode.column obsno
Observation number constructed as follows:column resp1revolution number * 1000000 + target number * 1000 + observation sequence number * 10 + type.Please see SCREW 385.
Responsivity of first cal measurement for pixels 1 to 9.column respu1
Uncertanty in response for pixels 1 to 9 for first cal measurement (FCS1).column resp2_1
Responsivity of second (FCS2) cal measurement for pixels 1 to 9 (for chop observations).column respu2_1
Uncertanty in response for pixels 1 to 9 for second cal measurement (FCS2) (for chop observations).column rfitdeg
degree of ramp fit.column selpow1
Selected power for FCS1 and FCS2.column seltrs1
Selected trs for FCs1and FCS2.column subsys
Detector subsystem.
Table Usage (MB) |
Distribution of Table Space |
Data |
1.06 |
Data |
94.62 % |
Indexes |
0.02 |
Indexes |
1.39 % |
Unused |
0.04 |
Unused |
3.99 % |
Total |
1.13 |
of Rows |
5449 |
Dependencies |
Referencing Objects |
Object Name | Object Type |
dbo.pht_responsivities.pht_responsivities_pk | INDEX |
Referenced Objects |
Object Name | Object Type |
CREATE TABLE dbo.pht_responsivities
obsno int NOT NULL,
subsys char(2) NOT NULL,
calfilt smallint NOT NULL,
calsequ smallint NOT NULL,
calfcs tinyint NOT NULL,
calaper smallint NOT NULL,
calpol smallint NOT NULL,
calnmeas smallint NOT NULL,
fpcmode char(2) NOT NULL,
seltrs1 tinyint NOT NULL,
seltrs2 tinyint NOT NULL,
selpow1 real NOT NULL,
selpow2 real NOT NULL,
resp1 real NOT NULL,
resp2 real NOT NULL,
resp3 real NOT NULL,
resp4 real NOT NULL,
resp5 real NOT NULL,
resp6 real NOT NULL,
resp7 real NOT NULL,
resp8 real NOT NULL,
resp9 real NOT NULL,
respu1 real NOT NULL,
respu2 real NOT NULL,
respu3 real NOT NULL,
respu4 real NOT NULL,
respu5 real NOT NULL,
respu6 real NOT NULL,
respu7 real NOT NULL,
respu8 real NOT NULL,
respu9 real NOT NULL,
resp2_1 real NULL,
resp2_2 real NULL,
resp2_3 real NULL,
resp2_4 real NULL,
resp2_5 real NULL,
resp2_6 real NULL,
resp2_7 real NULL,
resp2_8 real NULL,
resp2_9 real NULL,
respu2_1 real NULL,
respu2_2 real NULL,
respu2_3 real NULL,
respu2_4 real NULL,
respu2_5 real NULL,
respu2_6 real NULL,
respu2_7 real NULL,
respu2_8 real NULL,
respu2_9 real NULL