The data contained in the following columns is taken directly from the aotcom table in the uplink MDB:
solar_sysThe following data is derived from the aot_link and aot_concat tables in the uplinkMDB:
link_or_concat_flagThe data for the OTT and TDT fields shall be taken from the MPP1 SEQsched files.
The tables are populated with bcp character dump files of the uplink MDB, produced by the utility program dump_mdb, and the MPP1 SEQsched files, kept in the mppublic account.
The script can take one or more of the following arguments:
no args:
This assumes that the planning_info table has been created in the database icsa, and that the temporary IPA table aotcom has been built and populated with the necessary data.-build:
Forces the building of the planning_info table in the icsa database-build_all:
Forces the building and population of all temporary tables needed.-compress:
Is used to indicate that the datafiles have been compressed with the UNIX utility 'compress'. The data files will be re-compressed after use.-nodrop:
Indicates that temporary tables should not be dropped after use.
Columns |
Name | Datatype | Null |
obsno | int | No |
solar_sys | tinyint | Yes |
orgra | float | Yes |
orgdec | float | Yes |
orgalon | float | Yes |
orgalat | float | Yes |
orgepoch | int | Yes |
orgpmra | float | Yes |
orgpmdec | float | Yes |
compflag | tinyint | Yes |
k | int | Yes |
l | int | Yes |
ra | float | Yes |
dec | float | Yes |
ott | int | Yes |
tdt | int | Yes |
fixed_or_periodic | tinyint | Yes |
grade | float | Yes |
priority | int | Yes |
link_or_concat | tinyint | Yes |
previous_obs | int | Yes |
next_obs | int | Yes |
sched | smallint | Yes |
column compflag
Indicates if the user entered (in PGA) equatorial or galactic coordinates:column dec0 - user entered equatorial coordinates
1 - user entered galactic coordinates.
Declination. Units: degrees in decimal format precessed to epoch 2000.column fixed_or_periodic
0 Otherwise
1 Observation must be performed at a fixed time or periodically.
column grade
Grade assigned by OTAC. Ranges from 0 to 10 with precision of 0.01. A value of -100 indicates the the observation is not graded and should not be scheduled.column k
Skybin index in declination.column l
Skybin index in right ascension.column link_or_concat
Linked or concatenated observation flag.column next_obs
OSN of the next AOT in a concatenation or link. A value of zero indicates that this is the last element of a concatenation or link.column obsno
Observation number constructed as follows:column orgalatrevolution number * 1000000 + target number * 1000 + observation sequence number * 10 + type.Please see SCREW 385.
Galactic latitude. Units: degrees in decimal format. If the user enters galactic coordinates this is the value entered by the user. If the user entered equatorial coordinates, this is the galactic coordinate calculated from the user entered coordinate. See column compflag.column orgalon
Galactic longitude. Units: degrees in decimal format. If the user enters galactic coordinates this is the value entered by the user. If the user entered equatorial coordinates, this is the galactic coordinate calculated from the user entered coordinate. See column compflag.column orgdec
Declination. Units: degrees in decimal format. If the user entered equatorial coordinates this is the value entered by the user. If the user entered galactic coordinates, this is the equatorial coordinate computed from the user entered galactic coordinate precessed to the epoch entered by the user. See column compflag.column orgepoch
Epoch entered by the user, one of :column orgpmdec1900
Value of the proper motion for declination entered by the user. Units: arcseconds/year.column orgpmra
Value of the proper motion for right ascension entered by the user. Units: arcseconds/year.column orgra
Right ascension. Units: hours in decimal format. If the user entered equatorial coordinates this is the value entered by the user. If the user entered galactic coordinates, this is the equatorial coordinate computed from the user entered galactic coordinate precessed to the epoch entered by the user. See column compflag.
column ott
On-Target Time (OTT).column previous_obs
OSN of the previous AOT in a link or concatenation. A value of zero indicates that this is the first element of a concatenation or link.column priority
Priority entered by the user. From 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest).column ra
Right ascension. Units: hours in decimal format precessed to epoch 2000.column sched
Schedule type for this observation. This is one of:
Target Dedicated Time.
Table Usage (MB) |
Distribution of Table Space |
Data |
5.23 |
Data |
91.97 % |
Indexes |
0.40 |
Indexes |
7.07 % |
Unused |
0.05 |
Unused |
0.96 % |
Total |
5.69 |
of Rows |
37135 |
Dependencies |
Referencing Objects |
Object Name | Object Type |
dbo.planning_info.planning_info_ux | INDEX |
Referenced Objects |
Object Name | Object Type |
CREATE TABLE dbo.planning_info
obsno int NOT NULL,
solar_sys tinyint NULL,
orgra float NULL,
orgdec float NULL,
orgalon float NULL,
orgalat float NULL,
orgepoch int NULL,
orgpmra float NULL,
orgpmdec float NULL,
compflag tinyint NULL,
k int NULL,
l int NULL,
ra float NULL,
dec float NULL,
ott int NULL,
tdt int NULL,
fixed_or_periodic tinyint NULL,
grade float NULL,
priority int NULL,
link_or_concat tinyint NULL,
previous_obs int NULL,
next_obs int NULL,
sched smallint NULL