Contains the administration data for the proposal.
The columns of this table are derived from the following uplink MDB tables:
ptitle, abstract, justif and sot_coment
The following columns of this table are derived form the uplink MDB proposal table:
observation category
scientific category
The following columns of the uplink MDB proposal table are considered redundant:
reject flag
Currently the sot_comment table is empty.
The script can take one or more of the following arguments:
no args: This assumes that all proposal table has been
created in the database icsa, and that
all temporary tables have been built and populated with
the necessary data.
-build: Forces the building of the proposal table in the icsa database
-build_all: Forces the building and population of all temporary tables needed.
-compress: Is used to indicate that the datafiles have
been compressed with the UNIX utility
'compress'. The data files will be re-compressed after
-nodrop: Indicates that temporary tables should not be dropped after use.
Columns |
Name | Datatype | Null |
obsid | char(8) | No |
propid | char(8) | No |
institid | char(8) | Yes |
title | text | Yes |
abstract | text | Yes |
justification | text | Yes |
science_cat | smallint | Yes |
proposal_cat | smallint | Yes |
release_date | datetime | Yes |
column abstract
column institid
Institution identifier.
column justification
Scientific justification.
column obsid
Observer identifier. Proposal Handling (PH) assigned identifer containing between one and eight characters (upper case, alpha-numeric or underscore; spaces are not allowed).
column propid
Proposal identifer. Identifier assigned by PH. This is a user provided identifier of between one and eight characters (alpha-numeric or underscore, spaces not allowed). Note that the two character launch window extension has been dropped.
column proposal_cat
Proposal category.
column release_date
Release date.
column science_cat
Scientific category. One out of:
1 Solar
2 Interstellar
3 Stellar
4 Extragalactic
5 Cosmology
6 Calibration
column title
The proposal title as entered
by the observer using the PGA system.
Table Usage (MB) |
Distribution of Table Space |
Data |
0.31 |
Data |
0.99 % |
Indexes |
30.93 |
Indexes |
98.79 % |
Unused |
0.07 |
Unused |
0.22 % |
Total |
31.31 |
of Rows |
4670 |
Dependencies |
Referencing Objects |
Object Name | Object Type |
dbo.proposals.proposals_pk | INDEX |
dbo.proposals.institutions_proposals_fk | INDEX |
dbo.proposals.observers_proposals_fk | INDEX |
Referenced Objects |
Object Name | Object Type |
CREATE TABLE dbo.proposals
obsid char(8) NOT NULL,
propid char(8) NOT NULL,
institid char(8) NULL,
title text NULL,
abstract text NULL,
justification text NULL,
science_cat smallint NULL,
proposal_cat smallint NULL,
release_date datetime NULL