

Object Type







This table contains information related to an orbit of the ISO spacecraft. All planning and operations of ISO were performed in terms of a revolution (or orbit) of the spacecraft. This table is therefore fundamental to the ISO Data Archive.

The following columns are derived directly from the uplink ISOLOG database isolog_rev table:

revolution number
POF time
EOH time
The following columns have been derived from the POF (using the psf_start and psf_end directives):
POF version
PSF orbit start time
PSF orbit end time
The actual orbit start and end times have been provided by Flight Dynamics (FD) and have been manually inserted. It is these times which are used to calculate the phase-in-orbiit.

Use and Related Data

This table contains revolution specific data for each observation. All revolution based data is directly related to this data. Especially note that uplink version control can be seen in terms of revolution periods. An uplink version object is therefore part of this table, and can be used to relate any observation to the versions of the software used in the planning and implementation of the observation through the use of this table.


The table is populated by the script revolutions.csh.

The table is populated with bcp character dump files of the uplink ISOLOG database, produced by the utility program dump_isolog, and a program called extract_ott which produces a bcp file containg the POF version and orbit start and end times for each revolution by scanning a directory containing the POF files.

The script can take one or more of the following arguments:

no args:

This assumes that the revolutions table has been created in the database icsa, and that any temporary tables needed have been built and populated with the necessary data.
Forces the building of the revolutions table in the icsa database
Forces the building and population of all temporary tables needed.
Is used to indicate that the datafiles have been compressed the UNIX utility 'compress'.  The data files will be re-compressed after use.
Indicates that temporary tables should not be dropped after use.
Name Datatype Null
revno smallint No
pof_vers smallint Yes
psf_vers smallint Yes
pof_date char(24) Yes
eoh_date char(24) Yes
psf_start char(12) Yes
psf_end char(12) Yes
utk_psf_start int Yes
utk_psf_end int Yes
orbit_start char(12) Yes
orbit_start_utk int Yes
uplink_version int Yes

column eoh_date

     Time EOH was processed.

column orbit_start

     Actual orbit start time.

column orbit_start_utk

     Actual orbit start time in UTK.

column pof_date

     Time POF was processed.

column pof_vers

     POF version number.

column psf_end

     Planning Skeleton File (PSF) orbit end time.

column psf_start

     PSF orbit start time.

column psf_vers

     PSF version number.

column revno

     Revolution number.

column uplink_version

Uplink version. Consists of six digits; the first two specify the major version number, the second two  specify the minor version number and the last two specify the patch number (e.g 280001).
column utk_psf_end

     PSF orbit end time in UTK.

column utk_psf_start

     PSF orbit start time in UTK.

Table Usage (MB)

Distribution of Table Space





70.00 %




1.25 %




28.75 %



Number of Rows


Referencing Objects
Object Name Object Type
dbo.revolutions.revolutions_pk INDEX
Referenced Objects
Object Name Object Type


CREATE TABLE dbo.revolutions 
    revno           smallint NOT NULL,
    pof_vers        smallint NULL,
    psf_vers        smallint NULL,
    pof_date        char(24) NULL,
    eoh_date        char(24) NULL,
    psf_start       char(12) NULL,
    psf_end         char(12) NULL,
    utk_psf_start   int      NULL,
    utk_psf_end     int      NULL,
    orbit_start     char(12) NULL,
    orbit_start_utk int      NULL,
    uplink_version  int      NULL