Space weather data is stored for the preiod 11/95 to 5/98.
The data stored in the period 11/95 to 3/96 (inclusive) is from the GOES-8
satellite, and from 4/96 to 5/98 is from the GOES-9 satellite.
The following data is stored:
X-ray, Mag., Electrons & Uncorrected Proton Channels (type 'G')
X-ray, Mag., Electrons & Corrected Proton Channels (type 'Z')
X-ray, Mag., Electrons & Corrected Integral Protons (type 'I')
X-ray, Mag., Electrons & HEPAD (type 'H')
X-ray, Mag., Electrons & Uncorrected Alpha-Particles (type 'A')
Type 'G' data is stored in both 1 and 5 minute averages,
all other types are stored as 5 minute averages.
Please see the GOES data documentation for furhter information on this subject.
the X-ray, Mag., and Electrons data from the type
'G' file,
stored as 1 minute averages.
the X-ray, Mag., and Electrons data from the type
'Z' file (same
as in other types), stored as 5 minute averages.
Columns |
Name | Datatype | Null |
id | int | No |
date | smalldatetime | No |
utk | int | No |
column id
space weather id - a unique number identifying the time of space weather measurementscolumn date
The time of the measurement (or averages).column utk
The (above) time field converted to Universal Time Key.
Table Usage (MB) |
Distribution of Table Space |
Data |
10.53 |
Data |
32.36 % |
Indexes |
21.91 |
Indexes |
67.38 % |
Unused |
0.08 |
Unused |
0.25 % |
Total |
32.52 |
of Rows |
678960 |
Dependencies |
Referencing Objects |
Object Name | Object Type |
dbo.space_weather.space_weather_ux1 | INDEX |
dbo.space_weather.space_weather_ux2 | INDEX |
dbo.space_weather.space_weather_ux3 | INDEX |
Referenced Objects |
Object Name | Object Type |
CREATE TABLE dbo.space_weather
id int NOT NULL,
date smalldatetime NOT NULL,
utk int NOT NULL