For each revolution of ISO, this table contains:
The information contained in this table has been delivered
by FD.
Columns |
Name | Datatype | Null |
revno | smallint | No |
apogee | char(11) | No |
x_earth_direction | float | No |
y_earth_direction | float | No |
z_earth_direction | float | No |
diameter | int | No |
x_sun_direction | float | No |
y_sun_direction | float | No |
z_sun_direction | float | No |
distance | int | No |
apogee_utk | int | Yes |
column apogee
Time of apogee.
column apogee_utk
Time of apogee in UTK.
column diameter
Apparent earth diameter.
column distance
Angular distance between sun and earth centres.
column revno
Revolution number.
column x_earth_direction
X ISO earth unit vector component.
column x_sun_direction
X ISO sun unit vector component.
column y_earth_direction
Y ISO earth unit vector component.
column y_sun_direction
Y ISO sun unit vector component.
column z_earth_direction
Z ISO earth unit vector component.
column z_sun_direction
Z ISO sun unit vector component.
Table Usage (MB) |
Distribution of Table Space |
Data |
0.08 |
Data |
69.64 % |
Indexes |
0.01 |
Indexes |
8.93 % |
Unused |
0.02 |
Unused |
21.43 % |
Total |
0.11 |
of Rows |
891 |
Dependencies |
Referencing Objects |
Object Name | Object Type |
dbo.sun_earth.sun_earth_pk | INDEX |
Referenced Objects |
Object Name | Object Type |
CREATE TABLE dbo.sun_earth
revno smallint NOT NULL,
apogee char(11) NOT NULL,
x_earth_direction float NOT NULL,
y_earth_direction float NOT NULL,
z_earth_direction float NOT NULL,
diameter int NOT NULL,
x_sun_direction float NOT NULL,
y_sun_direction float NOT NULL,
z_sun_direction float NOT NULL,
distance int NOT NULL,
apogee_utk int NULL