The information in this table is extracted from the
SWS SWSP SPD FITS file headers for each observation.
eohautksSee the ISO Data Product Document, IDPD SAI/94-1266/Dc for a further description of the columns in this table.
Columns |
Name | Datatype | Null |
obsno | int | No |
instra | numeric(14,10) | No |
instdec | numeric(14,10) | No |
instroll | float | No |
cinstra | numeric(14,10) | No |
cinstdec | numeric(14,10) | No |
cinstrol | float | No |
equinox | float | No |
eohattyp | char(8) | No |
aotvers | char(8) | No |
attotfth | float | No |
column aotvers
AOT-OCT logic version nuber.
column attotfth
On -target flag threshold. Units: arcseconds.
column cinstdec
Corrected intended instrument reference declination. For an observation containing more than one commanded pointing, cinstdec refers to the first pointing.
column cinstra
Corrected intended instrument reference right ascension.For an observation containing more than one commanded pointing, cinstra refers to the first pointing.
column cinstrol
Corrected intended instrument reference roll angle.For an observation containing more than one commanded pointing, cinstroll refers to the first pointing.
column eohattyp
column equinox
Equinox to which all attitude-related keywords as well as the AOCS data records refer.
column instdec
Intended instrument reference declination. For an observation containing more than one commanded pointing, instdec refers to the first pointing.
column instra
Intended instrument reference right ascension. For an observation containing more than one commanded pointing, instra refers to the first pointing.
column instroll
Intended instrument reference roll angle. For an observation containing more than one commanded pointing, instroll refers to the first pointing.
column obsno
Observation number constructed as follows:
revolution number * 1000000 + target number * 1000 + observation sequence number * 10 + type.Please see SCREW 385 for further information.
Table Usage (MB) |
Distribution of Table Space |
Data |
0.81 |
Data |
92.84 % |
Indexes |
0.01 |
Indexes |
0.89 % |
Unused |
0.05 |
Unused |
6.26 % |
Total |
0.87 |
of Rows |
9490 |
Dependencies |
Referencing Objects |
Object Name | Object Type |
dbo.swsp_hdr.swsp_hdr_ucx | INDEX |
Referenced Objects |
Object Name | Object Type |
CREATE TABLE dbo.swsp_hdr
obsno int NOT NULL,
instra numeric(14,10) NOT NULL,
instdec numeric(14,10) NOT NULL,
instroll float NOT NULL,
cinstra numeric(14,10) NOT NULL,
cinstdec numeric(14,10) NOT NULL,
cinstrol float NOT NULL,
equinox float NOT NULL,
eohattyp char(8) NOT NULL,
aotvers char(8) NOT NULL,
attotfth float NOT NULL