

Object Type







Information relating to uplink System version. This table contains information relating to the all versions of software and data files used in the uplink, along with a release date and an installation date which is the date from which the corresponding item versions were installed and used, respectfully, on the operational network.

Use and Related Data

References to CALU files stored on-line. This information is available on a revolution basis. Each revolution contains a 'uplink version' attribute which can be used to link any observation to the uplink system used in its production and planning via the columns of this table.


This information has been derived from the ISO Software Installation Notes for the ISO-SOC-LAN, available in ASCII format.
Name Datatype Null
uplink_version int No
release char(8) No
install_date char(17) Yes
mpp1_ver int No
logic_ver int No
calcslew_ver int Yes
calu_cam int No
calu_lws int No
calu_pht int No
calu_sws int No
ph_ver int No
pga_ver int No
cus_ver int No
icss_ver int No
ssogen_ver int No
cobit_ver int No
mdb_ddl_ver int No
activation_dat_ver int No
sso_list_ver int No
ssotab_ver int No
dbob_ver int Yes
mdb_filter_ver int Yes
micct_ver int Yes
pucct_ver int Yes
update_times_ver int Yes

column activation_dat_ver

Version number of Configuration Item (CI) ACTIVATION_DAT.
column calcslew_ver
Version number of CI CALCSLEW.
column calu_cam
Version number of CI CALU CAM.
column calu_lws
Version number of CI CALU LWS.
column calu_pht
Version number of CI CALU PHT.
column calu_sws
Version number of CI CALU SWS.
column cobit_ver
Version number of CI COBIT.
column cus_ver
Version number of CI CUS.
column dbob_ver
Version number of CI DBOB.
column icss_ver
Version number of CI ICSs.
column install
Installation date.
column logic_ver
Version number of CI AOT_OCT logic.
column mdb_ddl_ver
Version number of CI MDB_DDL.
column mdb_filter_ver
Version number of CI MDB_FILTER.
column micct_ver
Version number of CI MICCT.
column mpp1_ver
Version number of CI MPP1.
column pga_ver
Version number of CI PGA.
column ph_ver
Version number of CI PH.
column pucct_ver
Version number of CI PUCCT.
column release
Release date.
column sso_list_ver
Version number of CI SSO_LIST.
column ssogen_ver
Version number of CI SSOGEN.
column ssotab_ver
Version number of CI SSO_TAB.
column update_times_ver
Version number of CI UPDATE_TIMES.
column uplink_version
Version number of CI UPLINKSYS.

Table Usage (MB)

Distribution of Table Space





25.00 %




4.17 %




70.83 %



Number of Rows


Referencing Objects
Object Name Object Type
dbo.uplink.uplink_pk INDEX
Referenced Objects
Object Name Object Type


CREATE TABLE dbo.uplink 
    uplink_version     int      NOT NULL,
    release            char(8)  NOT NULL,
    install_date       char(17) NULL,
    mpp1_ver           int      NOT NULL,
    logic_ver          int      NOT NULL,
    calcslew_ver       int      NULL,
    calu_cam           int      NOT NULL,
    calu_lws           int      NOT NULL,
    calu_pht           int      NOT NULL,
    calu_sws           int      NOT NULL,
    ph_ver             int      NOT NULL,
    pga_ver            int      NOT NULL,
    cus_ver            int      NOT NULL,
    icss_ver           int      NOT NULL,
    ssogen_ver         int      NOT NULL,
    cobit_ver          int      NOT NULL,
    mdb_ddl_ver        int      NOT NULL,
    activation_dat_ver int      NOT NULL,
    sso_list_ver       int      NOT NULL,
    ssotab_ver         int      NOT NULL,
    dbob_ver           int      NULL,
    mdb_filter_ver     int      NULL,
    micct_ver          int      NULL,
    pucct_ver          int      NULL,
    update_times_ver   int      NULL