calq camCAM CALQ files (related to a RTA/QLA version) for any given revolution.
From the beginning of the mission, CALQ files were incorporated into RTA/QLA. From the beginning of the PV phase, CALQ files were separated from RTA/QLA until 30/04/97 (see CCB minutes) when they were incorporated again into RTA/QLA.
Therefor CALQ version numbering changes. At the beginning of the PV phase CALQ version numbering started at 1.0. These files will be kept as is.
The CAM CALQ files need to be compiled from the CAM CALQ and RTA/QLA installation and release notes.
Not applicable.
Referenced by Table |
Column Name |
calq cam |
c_cv2lw_txt file |
c_cvf_sw_txt file |
c_cvf1lw_txt file |
cam_q_dat file |
cq_camera_constant_txt file |
The following table gives the estimated number of CAM CALQ files, file size, and the resulting total size in KB.
Files |
File Size in KB |
Total Size in KB |
10 |
0 |
0 |