calq phtPHT CALQ files (related to a RTA/QLA version) for any given revolution.
From the beginning of the mission, CALQ files were incorporated into RTA/QLA. From the beginning of the PV phase, CALQ files were separated from RTA/QLA until 30/04/97 (see CCB minutes) when they were incorporated again into RTA/QLA.
Therefor CALQ version numbering changes. At the beginning of the PV phase CALQ version numbering started at 1.0.
The CALQ file PHT_DEFAULTPSLT was introduced during the mission, see DRB_96_149.
These files will be kept as is.
The PHT CALQ files need to be compiled from the PHT CALQ and RTA/QLA installation and release notes.
Not applicable.
Referenced by Table |
Column Name |
calq pht |
Pht_default_acvt file |
Pht_default_mdt file |
Pht_default_pslt file |
Pht_respons_acvt file |
The following table gives the estimated number of files, file size, and the resulting total size in KB.
Files |
File Size in KB |
Total Size in KB |
10 |