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File CCS

     Name:     ccs
     Code:     ccs
     Label:     S2.1.39
     Number:     888    

  • Description
  • The Central Command Schedule (CCS) files, for which there is only one per revolution and incorporation into the ISO Data Archive is still to be decided, have been obtained from SCC in ASCII format. However, the following CCSs could not be recovered by SCC: 464, 465, 466, 467 and 468.

    Furthermore, the ICS entry's comment fields do not appear as they are not kept in the CCS ISAM files where the ASCII CCSs have been extracted from. The following revolutions were manually run, hence no CCS exists for them: 0001-0010, 888, 894-896, 901, 904 and 905.

    For further information, the following note was sent by SCC before delivering the CCS files:

    Villafranca Satellite Tracking Station


    ref.: M1197-N04/PMA

    Villafranca, November 13, 1997

    From     : Pedro J. Schoch

    To      : Arno Plug

    cc      : Pierre Maigni

         Simon O'Leary

    Subject: ISO PMA - CCS budget

    The Central Command Schedule (CCS) file contains all planned commanding for one revolution.

    This file is run in the IDCS and automatically sends commands to ISO. There is one CCS file

    per revolution which has been stored to DAT tapes since the beginning of the mission. The CCS

    file is however not an ASCII file, so in order to produce CCS ASCII files for the ISO PMA, the

    ISAM CCS files have to be reloaded on to the IDCS system and some software has to be written

    and modified to convert the formats. The ASCII CCS file would look as follows:



    PSF: 01 POF: 01 AOPF: 01 APF: 01 ICS: 01 CCS: 01



    310.11.21.18 PSF_START      0722_01 /* CAM USE ; PHT USE ; SWS USE ; LWS USE

    310:11:21:18 POF_START      0722_01 /* Revolution #0722 POF version #01

    310.11.33.17 AOS_TM           VILSPA /* Acquisition of TM signal for VILSPA, 5.0 degrees

    310.11.33.17 STATION_TM_START     VILSPA /* Start commanding station VILSPA for TM

    310.11.33.17 AOS_CHK_OPEN

    310.11.36.00 AOS_TC           VILSPA /* Acquisition of TC signal for VILSPA,10.0 degrees

    310.11.36.00 STATION_TC_START      VILSPA /* Start commanding station VILSPA for TC

    310:11:36:00 MOUT                Antenna at AOS is -Y (Tx1/Conf1)

    310:11:38:35 MOUT                Earliest time for switch to +Y ant. (Tx1/Conf2)

    310:11:39:25 95103 0302      TX1 OFF BLK      RFSW1      B

    310:11:39:25 92999 02B0      EGSE TC (DUM)BLK      RFSW1      B

    310:11:39:25 92999 02B0      EGSE TC (DUM)BLK      RFSW1      B

    310:11:39:25 95202 0308      RF SW CNF2(N)BLK      RFSW1          C      B

    310:11:39:25 92999 02B0      EGSE TC (DUM)BLK      RFSW1      B

    310:11:39:25 92999 02B0      EGSE TC (DUM)BLK      RFSW1      B

    310:11:39:25 92999 02B0      EGSE TC (DUM)BLK RFSW1      B

    310:11:39:25 95202 0308      RF SW CNF2(N)BLK RFSW1 C      B

    310:11:39:25 92999 02B0      EGSE TC (DUM)BLK      RFSW1      B

    310:11:39:25 92999 02B0      EGSE TC (DUM)BLK      RFSW1      B

    310:11:39:25 95101 0300      TX1 ON(N) BLK      RFSW1 C      E

    310:11:40:15 MOUT                Latest time for switch to +Y ant. (Tx1/Conf2)

    310.11.44.15 PPM_EXIT      0721_02 /* Earliest possible PPM exit

    310.11.44.16 16000           SWC SENT AS RMC      AOSOP C      E

    310.11.44.31 16302           DUMP USD BUFFER      AOSOP C      E

    310.11.44.46 80031           USD.SEL P031      AOSOP C      E

    310.11.45.01 16301           DUMP ERD BUFFER      AOSOP C      E

    310.11.45.16 16000           SWC SENT AS RMC      AOSOP C      E

    310.11.45.31 92365           SH DMP OBSF TABS      AOSOP C      E

    310.11.45.46 90240 0028      DESCHED OBSF      AOSOP C      E

    310.11.46.01 92381           SD ALL WRAM      AOSOP C      E

    310.11.46.46 92511           DUMP PM BL 10,11      AOSPM      C      B

    310.11.46.46 92069           INHIB G5 REC      AOSPM C      E

    310.11.47.01 92551           DUMP PM BL 82,83      AOSPM C      B

    310.11.47.01 92071           INH PCSTCIF REC      AOSPM C      B

    310.11.47.01 92075           INH PCSMGTBAT_R      AOSPM C      E

    310.11.47.16 92553           DUMP PM BL 84,85      AOSPM C      B

    310.11.47.16 92077           INH BATREC      AOSPM C      B

    310.11.47.16 92079           INH TMAXCRIT@T7      AOSPM C      B

    310.11.47.16 92081           INH BDRREC      AOSPM C      E

    310.11.47.31 92559           DUMP PM BL 90,91      AOSPM C      B

    310.11.47.31 92085           INHIB RFREC      AOSPM C      E

    310.11.47.46 92500           DUMP ALL PM      AOSPM C      E

    310.11.53.17 AOS_CHK_CLOSE

    310.11.53.17 DUMMY_OPEN

    310.12.21.18 DUMMY_CLOSE

    310.12.21.18 PPL_LOAD_OPEN

    310:12:21:18 80005           USD.SEL P005      US005      C      E

    310:12:21:28 16314           DUMP PPL BUFF      PLSTA      C      E

    310:12:21:48 59200           PPL TARGET QUAT      PLPOI      C     E

    310:12:22:18 59200           PPL TARGET QUAT      PLPOI      C      E

    310:12:22:48 59200           PPL TARGET QUAT      PLPOI      C      E

    310:12:23:18 59203           PPL TGT Q+STRSBY      PLTOF      C      E

    310:12:23:48 59410           PPL ECL WARNING      PLECL      C      E

    310:12:24:18 59200           PPL TARGET QUAT      PLPOI      C      E

    310:12:24:48 59200           PPL TARGET QUAT      PLPOI      C      E

    310:12:25:18 16314           DUMP PPL BUFF      PLEND      C      E

    310:12:25:28 16007           PPL VALID      PLEND P J285 C      E

    310:12:25:48 00654 028E      TR - PPM      LPPEN P A30D      C      E


    310:12:26:18 06020 2901      CAM ML CMD NOM LCAMF C      B


    310:12:26:18 06020 4C01      CAM ML CMD NOM LCAMF C      B


    310:12:26:18 06020 4D34      CAM ML CMD NOM LCAMF C      B


    There is the possibility of having the file in three levels. Level 3 is the most comprehensive

    one because it expands the Event Designators (EDs) and Sequences into their constituent commands.

    Level 1 is the most reduced one as it does not expand any ED or sequence. The amount of work

    involved to produce CCS ASCII files in all levels is very similar and the size of the files is only

    about 10% higher in level 3 with respect to level 1. Therefore, we would recommend that CCS

    are stored in level 3 as all information would then be visible.

    You mention in your note to quote the budget following two methods:

    Making use of the IDCS to extract CCSs in ASCII format.

    Write a software tool to extract and convert CCSs to ASCII format.

    The first option is not possible since the IDCS CCSs format is ISAM. The second option is

    possible. We could also modify and update a couple of IDCS tasks to create the wanted CCS

    ASCII files. In any case, any of these two solutions are similar in budget.

    The budget to generate the CCS ASCII files is:

    - Time to generate CCS Level 1 ASCII files for 800 revs 56 hours (7 days)

    - Approximate mean file size per revolution 301Kbytes

    - Approximate total size for 800 revs 241Mbytes

    - Time to generate CCS Level 3 ASCII files for 800 revs 57 hours (7.1 days)

    - Approximate mean file size per revolution 333Kbytes

    - Approximate total size for 800 revs 266Mbytes

    This budget assumes the following:

    - Budget to produce the CCS ASCII Files has to be approved by DPD

    - Budget includes any documentation, i.e. tool documentation and procedures

    - ISODV is available to perform the necessary activities

    - DAT tapes are not damaged

    - ASCII files contain the info as shown above

    - Should some filtering be needed the budget would obviously vary

    Should you have any more questions, please contact me.


    Pedro J. Schoch

    esa european space agency

    Use and Related Data


  • Population
  • Post Operations



    Not applicable.

  • Reference by List
  • Referenced by Table

    Column Name

  • Size
  • The following table gives the number of files, file size, and the resulting total size in KB.


    File Size in KB

    Total Size in KB




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