cobCalibration Observation batch (COB) programs are CL programs (FORTRAN 77) describing calibration observations. All the information for the CO's is present with the some special functions. These files are produced by the users.
Each COB file has an associated COIF. These can be linked directly to calibration observations. At the moment, only the SWS COB files have been incorporated into the ISO Data Archive.
These files will be kept as is. See CUS-BRD for file definition.
Not incorporated yet into the ISO Data Archive.
Not incorporated yet into the ISO Data Archive.
Not incorporated yet into the ISO Data Archive.
The SWS COB files have been delivered by the spectrometer (LWS/SWS) ISG and a script called get_location.csh is used to extract a COB file for a certain revolution or observation.
This script uses the swscaldetails table to find the correct COB file for a particular revolution or observation.
A script has been used to extract the COBs from the ISGs repositories and they have been manually copied to the directory /pmadata/, where all linked and viewable data resides, and ordered by file type and instrument.
Not applicable.
Referenced by Table |
Column Name |
Camcaldetails |
Cob |
Lwscaldetails |
Cob |
Phtcaldetails |
Cob |
Swscaldetails |
Cob |
The following table gives the estimated number of files, file size, and the resulting total size in KB.
Files |
File Size in KB |
Total Size in KB |
355 |
11.6 |
4130 |