cus4Four files per instrument - used in RTA/QLA. Files change over time - configuration control maintained by each ISG.
It is possible to access the CUS4 (CUS4 files are also referred to as CUS16 files) files for any given observation based upon revolution. The validity of CUS4 files on a revolution basis is stored in a CUS4 validity table to which these files are directly related.
These files are kept as they are. A version number will be added to the standard CUS4 filename to distinguish versions.
A script called get_location.csh is used to extract a CUS4 file for a certain revolution or observation.
This script uses the cus4_validity table, and in case of SWS the swscaldetails table, to find the correct CUS4 file for a particular revolution or observation.
The CUS4 files have been extracted from the ISGs repositories and they have been manually copied to the directory /pmadata/, where all linked and viewable data resides, and ordered by version number.
Not applicable.
Referenced by Table |
Column Name |
swscaldetails |
Cus4_verbs Cus4_idsdb Cus4_ics Cus4_icpt |
Cus4 validity |
Instrument Filetype |
The following table gives the number of files, file size, and the resulting total size in KB.
Files |
File Size in KB |
Total Size in KB |
56 |
161 |
9016 |