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File Non Standard Commanding

     Name:     non standard commanding
     Code:     non_standard_commanding
     Label:     S2.1.39
     Number:     0 (estimated: 913)    

  • Description
  • The following note was sent by SCC before delivering Non Standard Commanding, note that Non Standard Commanding is still to be incorporated into the ISO Data Archive:

    Villafranca Satellite Tracking Station


    ref.: M1197-N05/PMA

    Villafranca, November 13, 1997

    From     : Pedro J. Schoch

    To     : Arno Plug

    cc     : Pierre Maigni

    Simon O'Leary

    Subject: ISO PMA - Non Standard Commanding budget

    Non Standard Commanding as defined by Arno is the commanding that is performed by the

    INSCONS via their Manual Stack. From a conversation with the INSCON manager, I was told

    that the INSCONS only command to the instrument subsystems, which are marked as s/s 6

    through 9 in the IDCS. Whenever a command is sent from the IDCS Manual Stack it gets an

    associated numbers stamp which tells the IDCS the Manual Stack that was used. The INSCONS

    use both Manual Stack number 2 or 3, so in order to filter data from the INSCONS this is not

    good. However, data can be filtered through the s/s number.

    The filtering of the data can be done from a generated ASCII TCHIST file. This file is not in this

    format so it needs a bit of processing. A sample of TCHIST ASCII file is:


    Based on the following selection criteria

    Start time:     1997.312.


    Source:           M

    Subsystem:     -1

    Command type:      A

    Type of failure:     A


    2999 02B0 EGSE TC (DUMMY) 312.11.26.00 312.11.26.00 1 L 2EB7 4 312.11.26.00 2 0080

    2999 02B0 EGSE TC (DUMMY) 2284 312.11.26.13 312.11.26.19 1 T 2EB7 3 312.11.26.19 2 0080

    90801 RES BSW WARNING 2285 312.11.27.53 312.11.27.59 2 T 2EB7 3 312.11.27.59 2 FFFF

    5105 0000 RNG-1 ON RNGON 312.11.33.06 312.11.33.11 2 E 2EB7 1 312.11.33.07 5 006C

    5107 0000 RNG-1 OFF RNGOF 312.11.42.12 312.11.42.17 2 E 2EB7 1 312.11.42.13 5 007C

    5105 0000 RNG-1 ON RNGON 312.12.30.41 312.12.30.45 2 E 2EB7 1 312.12.30.43 5 006C

    5107 0000 RNG-1 OFF RNGOF 312.12.44.56 312.12.45.01 2 E 2EB7 1 312.12.44.59 5 007C

    5105 0000 RNG-1 ON RNGON 312.13.40.24 312.13.40.27 2 E 2EB7 1 312.13.40.25 5 006C

    7020 C2A3 LWS ML CMD NOM 35357 312.13.52.07 312.13.52.19 3 T 2EB7 3 312.13.52.19 7 0083

    7020 4000 LWS ML CMD NOM 35357 312.13.52.07 312.13.52.19 3 T 2EB7 3 312.13.52.19 7 0083

    7020 629B LWS ML CMD NOM 35357 312.13.52.07 312.13.52.19 3 T 2EB7 3 312.13.52.19 7 0083

    7020 C2A3 LWS ML CMD NOM 35357 312.13.52.07 312.13.52.19 3 T 2EB7 3 312.13.52.19 7 0083

    Once having the ASCII file, it is easy to filter out commands which have gone to s/s 6, 7, 8 and

    9. To get the TCHIST ASCII file there are different alternatives, however they are costly because

    the raw data must first be recovered into the system. Then, either a tool has to be written or some

    IDCS software modified to cope.

    The budget is then difficult to arrive at. However, a first estimate budget to generate Non

    Standard Commanding ASCII files is presented below:

    - Time to generate NSC ASCII files for 800 revs               525 hours (65.6 days)

    - Approximate mean file size per revolution (full TCHIST)          40.75Kbytes

    - Approximate total size for 800 revs (full TCHIST)               32.6Mbytes

    - Approximate mean file size per revolution (filtered TCHIST)     31Kbytes

    - Approximate total size for 800 revs (filtered TCHIST)          24.8Mbytes

    This budget assumes the following:

    - Budget to produce the NSC ASCII Files has to be approved by DPD

    - Budget includes any documentation, i.e. tool documentation and procedures

    - ISODV is available to perform the necessary activities

    - DAT tapes are not damaged

    - ASCII files contain the info as shown above and filtered by s/s 6-9

    Should you have any more questions, please contact me.


    Pedro J. Schoch

    Non Standard Commanding has been delivered by SCC as part of the Event Log. The Event Log will provide a unique means to visualize all messages generated by the IDCS tasks such as the Non Standard Commanding activities (ref. ISO PMA-Event Log description of contents and budget, dated November 12, 1997).

    Use and Related Data

    A script called get_location.csh will be used to extract Non Standard Commands.

  • Population
  • Post Operations



    Not applicable.

  • Reference by List
  • Referenced by Table

    Column Name

  • Size
  • The following table gives the estimated number of files for each Non Standard Commanding file, the file size, and the resulting total size in KB.


    File Size in KB

    Total Size in KB




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