pofThis is the Planned Observation File and defines the actions and times at which they must occur. It is the main output of MPP1 and input to MPP2.
The POF is a file generated by MPP1 on a revolution basis. The format of a POF is defined in the MPP1 to MPP2 ICD (R10).
A POF is available for each revolution of the ISO mission. It is possible to directly view the section of a POF associated with any given observation. ICSFs are also linked directly to POFs (each POF has an associated ICSF) through the ICS name.
A script called get_location.csh is used to extract a POF file for a certain revolution or observation.
These files are kept as they are. Note that an extract is also taken from the POF and stored in an SQL-queriable form (see the pof_extract table).
The POF files have been obtained from the Mission Planning Archive and they have been manually copied to the directory /pmadata/, where all linked and viewable data resides.
Referenced by Table |
Column Name |
Revolutions |
pof file |
The following table gives the number of files, the average file size, and the resulting total size in KB.
Files |
File Size in KB |
Total Size in KB |
888 |
154.6 |
137310 |