realtime revolution reportsThe Realtime Revolution rePorts (RRP) were produced for each revolution and can be viewed as a summary of that revolutions activity. They are available in ASCII and HTML. They were produced by Ramon.
There is one realtime revolution report per revolution. Could cross-link on observation.
A script called get_location.csh is used to extract a realtime revolution report for a certain revolution or observation. Files are kept as they are.
The RRP files have been obtained from the INSCONS WWW pages and they have been manually copied to the directory /pmadata/, where all linked and viewable data resides.
Not applicable.
Referenced by Table |
Column Name |
The following table gives the number of files, the average file size, and the resulting total size in KB.
Files |
File Size in KB |
Total Size in KB |
807 |
11.5 |
9321 |