Attribute | An attribute of an entity is an elementary piece of information. |
Cardinality | Cardinality indicates the number of instances (one or many) of an entity in relation to another. |
Column | Data structure that contains an individual data item within a row (record), model equivalent of a database field. |
Entity | An entity represents an object defined within the information system about which you want to store information. |
Existence | Existence indicates whether the relationship between entities is optional or mandatory. |
Foreign Key | Column or columns, whose values depend on and migrate from a primary key in another table, indicated by (fk). |
Identifier | An entity identifier is made up of one or more attributes unique to the entity, such that each value of the identifier corresponds to one, and only one, occurrence of the entity. |
Index | Data structure that is based on a key and that speeds access to data and controls unique values. |
Inheritance | Inheritance defines an entity as a special case of a more general entity. The entities involved in an inheritance have many similar characteristics but are nonetheless different. The general entity is known as the parent entity, and the special case entity is known as the child entity. An inheritance may be mutually exclusive meaning that there can not be an occurrence of both child entities at the same time. |
Primary Key | An underlined attribute of an entity in a CDM graph identified as being (part of) the primary key for that entity. One or more underlined columns of a table in a PDM graph, whose values uniquely identify a row in a table, indicated by (pk). |
Reference | Link between the primary key and the foreign key of different tables. |
Relationship | A relationship is a named connection or association between entities and is represented in a CDM graph as a single line. |
Stored Procedure | A collection of SQL statements that are stored in a database and executed by name. |
Table | A collection of rows (records) that have associated columns (fields). |
Trigger | A type of stored procedure that is table-specific and event-driven. The SQL statements in a trigger are automatically executed by the SQL server when a specified data modification is performed on the table. |
View | A stored SQL select statement that behaves like a table. |
AA | Auto Analysis |
AA | RAuto Analysis Result |
ADD | Architectural Design Document |
AOT | Astronomical Observation Template |
BKRP | BulK ReProcessing |
CDM | Conceptual Data Model |
CI | Configuration Item |
COB | Calibration Observation Batch |
COBIT | Calibration Observation Batch Import Tool |
COIF | Calibration Observation Interface File |
CUS | Calibration Uplink System |
DBMS | DataBase Management System |
DD | Detailed Design |
ERD | Edited Raw Data |
ESA | European Space Agency |
FD | Flight Dynamics |
FITS | Flexible Image Transport System |
FP | Fabry Perrot |
IDA | ISO Data Archive |
IDPD | ISO Data Product Document |
IPA | ISO oPerational Archive |
ISG | Instrument Support Group |
ISO | Infrared Space Observatory |
ITK | Instrument Time Key |
MDB | Mission DataBase |
OFRP | On-the-Fly ReProcessing |
OLP | Off-Line Processing |
OSN | Observation Sequence Number |
OTT | On-Target Time |
PDM | Physical Data Model |
PDS | Product Distribution System |
PGA | Proposal Generation Aids |
PH | Proposal Handling |
PPR | Post Processor |
PSF | Planning Skeleton File |
QC | Quality Control |
QLA | Quick Look (scientific) Assessment |
RP | Retrieve Product |
SCC | Spacecraft Control Centre |
SPD | Standard Processed Data |
SQAP | Software Quality Assurance Plan |
SQL | Structured Query Language |
SRD | Software Requirements Document |
SSO | Solar System Object |
TBD | To Be Defined |
TDT | Target Dedicated Time |
TM | TeleMetry |
UDF | User Definable Function |
UI | User Interface |
UTC | Universal Time (Coordinated) |
UTK | Uniform Time Key |
For a further list of definitions, acronyms and abbreviations please
refer to [AD-3].
The following external documents have a direct bearing on the contents
of this document.
[AD-1] | SAI/97-069/Dc
Version 1.0 |
ISO Data Archive Conceptual Data Model (CDM) |
[AD-2] | SAI/97-045/Dc 2.0 | ISO Post Mission Archive Software Quality Assurance Plan for the DD phase (SQAP/DD). |
[AD-3] | SAI/97-043/Dc
Version 1.0 |
ISO Post Mission Archive Software Requirements Document (SRD) |
The following external documents are referenced by this document,
[RD-1] | SAI/97-090/Dc
Version 1.0 |
ISO Post Mission Archive Architectural Design Document (ADD) |
Chapter 1 provides an introduction to the document.
Chapter 2 provides a general description of the methodology used in producing the PDM and contains the graphical model of the PDM.
Chapter 3 provides a detailed description of each database table (data item) that is provided directly as queriable browse data (queriable data) accessible through the ISO Data Archive UI and stored in the ISO Data Archive database. Different tables are stored in diferent physical databases, and this chapter is split into sub-sections based upon the name of the database in which the table is located. The database of main interest is the 'icsa' database, which contains the queriable data. The other databases contain tables used for control and management of the IDA system, and are mainly of use for IDA developers. The 'system' section is an exception in that it does not relate to an IDA database. This section contains a breakdown of the physical characteristics of the IDA data server, and should be of interest to database administrators only. This chapter is partially generated automatically from the physical database itself.
Chapter 4 provides a detailed description of each file (data item) that is held on-line as non-queriable browse data (linked and viewable data) accessible through the ISO Data Archive UI and stored in the ISO Data Archive database.
Chapter 5, the final chapter, contains a software requirements vs. PDM
objects traceability matrix.