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Detailed Table Description

The queriable data items of the IDA are stored as database tables distinct databases. These are:

browseprod database

Contains the icons and postcards (the 'browse products') of ISO observations which are displayed through the ISO Data Archive UI. The information contained in this database will be of little interest to the general user.

icsa database

Contains the IDA queriable items, which are accessed through the use of the ISO Data Archive UI. This database contains the information that is of the most interest for the general user. It is accessed through the IDA UI, both implicitly through the java-based 'general-access' UI and explicitly by using SQL through the 'advanced-access' UI or similar SQL based application.

controls database

Contains the tables relating to control, access and retrieval of ISO data products. This database is mainly of use to IDA developers and should be viewed in conjunction with the ADD [RD-1].

publications database

Contains information related to and linking ISO observations to published papers. This information is viewed through the the IDA UI.

speval database

Contains SPEVAL data, housekeeping parameters extracted from the telemetry by the SPEVAL system.

This chapter describes the data items (or tables) stored in each of these databases, together with a description of the overall configuration of the database server (see 'system' section).

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