Welcome to the eleventh issue of INFO, the newsletter published at irregular intervals to keep the astronomical community informed of the progress of the European Space Agency's (ESA) Infrared Space Observatory (ISO).
This issue is being printed relatively soon after ISO executed a station keeping manoeuvre and a Direct Liquid Content Measurement (DLCM), which gave a new lifetime estimate. Information on this can be read in the `Project Status' section of this newsletter. Also included are the proposal statistics for the entire mission database, a list of successful discretionary time proposals, an article on the calibration of ISO and an article on the ISOPHOT Interactive Analysis data reduction package, PIA.
This issue also contains articles on science carried out with ISO. If you would like any science results publicised, either in ISO INFO or in the science gallery pages of the official ISO Web site (http://www.iso.vilspa.esa.es/science/), contact the editor at the address given at the end of this issue.
As an experiment, we will distribute the next issue of ISO INFO electronically in postscript form alongside the paper copy. Current, or new, subscribers wishing to obtain this version should request it in an e-mail to the editor.