We are continuing to expand our ISO Web site ``http://www.iso.vilspa.esa.es/'' so as to improve the information flow to observers. Specific pages are now devoted to each instrument and the satellite, containing the latest news, observing strategies (if changed) and documentation. The ISO science results gallery at ``http://www.iso.vilspa.esa.es/science/'' is updated approximately every week.
There are several new tools available on the Web with which you can monitor the progress of an observing programme. An overview of the available tools and when they might be used can be found at ``http://www.iso.vilspa.esa.es/schedule/''.
These new tools give observers the opportunity to take a more active role in managing their observing programmes. They are:
The Mission Data Base Snapshot: provides direct access to the details and status of observations entered in the Mission Data Base. It is updated on a weekly basis.
The ISO log of observations: using this log allows users to follow the progress of the scheduling of observations. It is updated on a daily basis.
The Real Time Reports: allow users to check on the general performance of ISO for a given revolution and to determine if observations were affected by any problems which were detected by the instrument operators.
The Quality Control logs: informs users as to which level of quality control their data products have passed through. There are three levels of quality control, corresponding to checking by the pipeline operators, by the relevant instrument team and by the science team. Observations only go through this process if any problems are detected with them. Further information on the Quality Control process can be found in the ISO FAQ at ``http://www.iso.vilspa.esa.es/FAQ/faq_dat.html''.
The Product Distribution Log: allows you to determine when the CD-ROM containing your data was shipped.