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Project Status

At the end of June, the Flight Model of the ISO Payload Module arrived at ESTEC from DASA in Munich. This cryostat contains the flight models of the four instruments and the telescope. Shortly after delivery, the Payload Module was joined with the Service Module, which had been delivered to ESTEC last year from Aerospatiale in Cannes. Thereafter, a short functional test of all the scientific instruments was successfully completed. The photograph on Page 1 shows the satellite (joined Payload and Service Modules) as it appeared on 28 June.

Integration and test activities are continuing at ESTEC under the responsibility of Aerospatiale. Major tests planned this year for the satellite include electromagnetic compatibility, vibration and thermal testing inside the Large Space Simulator. In the first few months of 1995, there will be compatibility tests between the satellite and its ground segment. After these, the satellite will be readied for shipment to Kourou, for launch at the start of the autumn/winter launch window on 19 September 1995.

On the ground segment side, it has been decided to revert to the original baseline of locating all the the Science Operations team in Villafranca rather than splitting it between ESTEC and Villafranca.

Good progress continues to be made on agreements with ESA's international partners, ISAS and NASA, regarding provision of a second ground station and associated resources. The ESA-ISAS agreement was approved at the June meeting of ESA's Council. The intention is to submit the ESA-NASA agreement to Council for approval at its meeting in October.

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