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First Light Data

Fig. 1: Unprocessed 7 micron ISOCAM image of M51, as seen in real time on 28/Nov/1995. Integration time was 130 sec, scale is 6 arcsec/pixel, and total field is 3 X 3 arcmin. The nucleus is to the upper right, and two segments of spiral arms are clearly visible. N is about 28 deg left of down; E is about 28 deg above left.

Fig. 2: First ISOPHOT light from the star Gamma Draconis (29/Nov/1995). The output of the PHT P1 detector is shown as a function of time: the 3.29 micron filter was selected, and the spacecraft was commanded to scan the PHT entrance aperture over the source.

Kieron Leech
ISO Science Team
Mon Feb 26 15:56:27 MET 1996