5.1 Introduction
4.5 Processing of the
5. Calibration and Performance
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Absolute Flux Calibration and Grating Relative Response
5.2.1 Absolute flux calibration
5.2.2 Relative spectral response function
5.3 Fabry-Pérot Flux Calibration
5.4 Dark Current Determination
5.5 In-orbit Sensitivity of the LWS - Detector Performance
5.6 Photometric Accuracy
5.6.1 Calibration sources used for photometric purposes
5.6.2 LWS photometric stability checked with observations of Mars
5.6.3 Comparison with IRAS fluxes
5.6.4 Checking the Fabry-Pérot photometric accuracy
5.7 The Strong Source Correction
5.7.1 The reason for the correction
5.7.2 The correction
5.7.3 Future
5.8 Quarter-Second Processing
5.8.1 LW5: quarter- versus half-second processing
5.8.2 Summary of processing for various strength sources
5.9 Instrumental Field of View: The Beam Profile
5.9.1 The beam profile
5.9.2 Asymmetry
5.9.3 Flux correction for extended sources
5.9.4 Extended source flux per unit area
5.9.5 Effect of the ISO PSF at large distances: check of the straylight around Jupiter
5.10 Grating Wavelength Calibration
5.10.1 Basic principles and calibration strategy
5.10.2 Calibration sources and types of observations
5.10.3 Detector angles
5.10.4 Time dependence
5.10.5 Assessment of the achieved wavelength accuracy
5.11 Grating Resolution and Characterisation of the Line
5.11.1 Preparation of the data
5.11.2 Stability of the line profiles
5.11.3 Characteristics of the profiles. Comparison to Gaussians.
5.11.4 Effect of a lower spectral sampling
5.12 Fabry-Pérot Wavelength Calibration
5.12.1 Introduction
5.12.2 Strategy of calibration
5.12.3 Calibration for OLP Version 10
5.12.4 Monitoring the Fabry-Pérot wavelength calibration
5.12.5 Fabry-Pérot wavelength accuracy
5.13 Fabry-Pérot Resolution and Line Profiles
5.14 Accuracy of the Parallel and Serendipity Mode Calibration
5.14.1 Prime mode observations coincident with parallel observations
5.14.2 Comparison with prime mode from stabilisation periods
5.14.3 Comparison between overlapping parallel rasters
5.14.4 Comparison with other instruments
ISO Handbook Volume III (LWS), Version 2.1, SAI/1999-057/Dc