5.1 Overview
4.10 Global Instrument Data
5. Photometric Calibration
5.1 Overview
5.2 Calibration Strategy
5.2.1 Calibration involving the FCS
5.2.2 Non-linear detector responsivity
5.2.3 Signal correction for chopped observations with PHT-P and -C
5.2.4 Absolute calibration of FCS
5.2.5 Photometry with PHT-P and PHT-C
5.2.6 Spectro-photometry with PHT-S
5.3 Point Sources Versus Extended Sources
5.4 Aperture Calibration
5.5 PHT-S Wavelength Calibration
5.6 Photometric Calibration in AOTs
5.6.1 General signal derivation
5.6.2 Multi-filter photometry: PHT03 and PHT22
5.6.3 Mapping: PHT03, PHT22, PHT32
5.6.4 Sparse maps: PHT17/18/19 and PHT37/38/39
5.6.5 Multi-aperture photometry: PHT04
5.6.6 Absolute photometry: PHT05 and PHT25
5.6.7 PHT-S: PHT40
5.7 Calibration Files
5.7.1 Calibration-G files
5.7.2 Calibration-A files
ISO Handbook Volume IV (PHT), Version 2.0.1, SAI/1999-069/Dc