7.1 Overview
6. Data Processing Level:
7. Data Processing Level: Derive_SPD
7.1 Overview
7.2 Ramp Processing
7.2.1 Discarding destructive readouts
7.2.2 Discarding disturbed non-destructive readouts
7.2.3 Discarding data with OTF or OPF `off'
7.2.4 Data identification and separation
7.2.5 Determine chopper position and step number
7.2.6 Conversion of digitised numbers to CRE output voltages
7.2.7 Discarding saturated readouts
7.2.8 Correction for non-linearities of the integration ramps
7.2.9 Ramp deglitching
7.2.10 Extraction of the signals and their uncertainties
7.3 Signal Processing: Staring PHT-P and PHT-C
7.3.1 Reset interval correction
7.3.2 Dark signal subtraction
7.3.3 Correction for non-linear detector response of PHT-P and PHT-C
7.3.4 Signal deglitching
7.3.5 Transient correction
7.3.6 Averaging signals of same instrument set-up
7.3.7 Obtaining the median of all photo-currents
7.3.8 Ramp statistics in SPD and Cal-A headers
7.4 Signal Processing: Staring PHT-S
7.4.1 Dark signal subtraction
7.4.2 Transient correction and calibration of signals
7.4.3 Computation of the weighted mean flux
7.5 Signal Processing: Chopped PHT-P and PHT-C
7.5.1 Processing overview for chopped observations
7.5.2 Setting up data for generic pattern construction
7.5.3 Generic pattern construction
7.5.4 Determination of source signal
7.5.5 Correction for chopped signal loss: Sky measurement
7.5.6 Correction for chopped signal loss: FCS measurement
7.6 Signal Processing: Chopped PHT-S
7.6.1 Obtaining the average signal per chopper plateau
7.6.2 Separation of source and background signal
7.6.3 Determine the signals averaged over a measurement
7.6.4 Spectral response function corrected for chopped signal losses
7.6.5 Determination of source and background spectrum
7.7 Signal Processing: PHT32 Raster Maps
7.7.1 Obtaining the average signal per chopper plateau
7.7.2 Correction for chopper vignetting
7.8 Signal Processing: PHT-S Raster Maps
7.8.1 Obtaining the average signal per raster point
7.8.2 Determination of the spectrum per raster point
7.9 Signal Processing: PHT04 Staring Multi-Aperture
7.9.1 Sorting out eligible PHT04 observations
7.9.2 Analysis of the background subtracted source signal
7.9.3 Summary of SPD warning messages for PHT04
7.10 In-band Power Calibration
7.10.1 Default responsivities
7.10.2 Determination of in-band power from FCS measurement
7.10.3 Signal to in-band power conversion for P detectors
7.10.4 Signal to in-band power conversion for C detectors
7.10.5 In-band power for PHT-P and PHT-C chopped observations
7.10.6 In-band power for raster and sparse maps
7.10.7 Dependencies on mission dates
7.11 Ancillary SPD Data
7.11.1 FCS measurements
7.11.2 PHT-S dark measurement
7.11.3 Dark signal measurement
7.11.4 FCS straylight measurement
7.12 Quality Flags for SPD Records
ISO Handbook Volume IV (PHT), Version 2.0.1, SAI/1999-069/Dc