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10.15 Filters with Less Reliable Photometry
Caveat: Several filters display systematic flux offsets in
multi-filter SEDs.
The filters and the flux levels for which these artifacts were found
are listed below.
- P1 12.8
m filter: positive flux offset from +10% at
flux level 50Jy to factor of 2 at background level.
- C100 65 and 80
m filters: +15 to +30% at background level.
- Background measurements in the shortest wavelength PHT-P filters
(3.3, 3.6, 4.8
m) in apertures considerably smaller than
the 180arcsec aperture (including the 23arcsec default
aperture for these filters) usually do not give any meaningful
results, because the measurement is dominated by dark signal.
It is assumed that the background level is at or a few times above the
lowest possible sky background.
ISO Handbook Volume IV (PHT), Version 2.0.1, SAI/1999-069/Dc