In the following sections, the titles, principal investigators and the total observing time (in seconds) of all performed programmes, sorted per scientific area, are summarized. The section has been split up into 2 parts, one for `Guaranteed Time Proposals' (GT) and one for `Open Time Proposals' (OT). This separation is based on the way the proposals were handled and on the availability of observing time under the OT and GT budget. The times are given in seconds for each proposal. More details on the proposals, including the scientific abstracts can be found in the ISO Data Archive. There, searches for proposal categories (European CP observer, American guaranteed time, Japanese guaranteed time, Open time, Calibration observer), scientific categories (Solar System, Interstellar Matter, Stellar Physics, Extragalactic Systems, Cosmology, Calibration), proposal keywordsB.1, text from proposal abstracts and text from proposal justifications can be done within the Observer,Proposal,OSN panel.
The resulting number of proposals with On-Target Time (OTT) 0s is