Volume IV:
The Imaging Photo-Polarimeter
Rene J. Laureijs, Ulrich Klaas
, Phil J. Richards
Bernard Schulz
, and Peter Ábrahám
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ISO Data Centre, Science Operations and Data Systems Division |
Research and Scientific Support Department of ESA, | |
Villafranca del Castillo, P.O. Box 50727, E-28080 Madrid, Spain | |
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Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie, ISOPHOT Data Centre, |
Königstuhl 17, D-69117 Heidelberg, Germany | |
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CCLRC, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, |
Chilton, Didcot, Oxon OX110QX, United Kingdom | |
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Konkoly Observatory of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, |
P.O. Box 67, H-1525 Budapest, Hungary |
Document: The ISO Handbook ESA SP-1262
Volume: IV
Title: PHT - The Imaging Photo-Polarimeter
Reference Number: SAI-99-069/Dc
Issue: Version 2.0.1
Issue Date: June 2003
Authors: R.J. Laureijs, U. Klaas, P.J. Richards et al.
Editors: T. Müller, J. Blommaert & P. Garca-Lario
Web-Editor: J. Matagne
The ISO Handbook, Volume IV: PHT - The Imaging Photo-Polarimeter, is based on the following documents:
Date | Revision | Comments |
Oct. 99 | -- | Observer's Manual and Addendum merged with |
the IDUM information | ||
15/11/99 | Draft 1.0 | Initial Draft for comments |
30/01/00 | Version 1.0 | First Version of the ISO Handbook, Volume V: |
PHT - The Imaging Photo-Polarimeter; | ||
related to OLP 7 data products | ||
with an OLP8.4 update | ||
01/11/00 | Version 1.1 | update, related to OLP 9.0 |
01/07/01 | Version 1.2 | update, related to OLP 10.0 |
08/07/02 | Version 2.0 | update, now Volume IV |
23/06/03 | Version 2.0.1 | minor editorial changes, printed version |
ISOPHOT Instrument Consortium | |
Principal Investigator | |
D. Lemke | MPI Astronomie, Heidelberg, Germany |
Co-Investigators | |
H. D. Denner | Freie Universität Berlin, Germany |
L. Drury | DIAS, Dublin, Ireland |
F. Garzón | IAC, La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain |
E. Grün | MPI Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany |
C. Hajduk | MPI Astronomie, Heidelberg, Germany |
R. D. Joseph | IRTF-NASA, Hawaii, USA |
U. Klaas | MPI Astronomie, Heidelberg, Germany |
W. Krätschmer | MPI Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany |
E. Kreysa | MPI Radioastronomie, Bonn, Germany |
W. Martin | MPI Astronomie, Heidelberg, now Planetarium Wolfsburg, Germany |
K. Mattila | Helsinki University Observatory, Helsinki, Finland |
I. Rasmussen | DSRI, Lyngby, Denmark |
B. Reipurth | Copenhagen Observatory, Denmark |
J. Riedinger | MPI Astronomie, Heidelberg, Germany, now ESA/ESTEC |
J. Rodríguez Espinosa | IAC, La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain |
M. Rowan-Robinson | ICSTM, London, United Kingdom |
H. Schnopper | DSRI, Lyngby, Denmark |
M. Selby1 | IAC, La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain |
C. Telesco | MSFC - NASA, now Univ. Florida, USA |
H. Völk | MPI Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany |
H. Walker | RAL, Chilton, United Kingdom |
J. Wolf | MPI Astronomie, Heidelberg, Germany |
Scientific Associates | |
J. A. Abolins | RAL, Chilton, United Kingdom |
S. Beckwith | MPI Astronomie, Heidelberg, Germany |
S. Bogun | MPI Astronomie, Heidelberg, Germany |
H. Campins | University of Florida, USA |
R. Chini | MPI Radioastronomie, Bonn, Germany |
J. Gürtler | Universitätssternwarte, Jena, Germany |
I. Heinrichsen | MPI Astronomie/MPI Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany |
T. Henning | Universitätssternwarte, Jena, Germany |
H. Hippelein | MPI Astronomie, Heidelberg, Germany |
H. Krüger | MPI Astronomie, Heidelberg, Germany |
A. Leger | Univ. Paris VII, Paris, France |
C. Leinert | MPI Astronomie, Heidelberg, Germany |
P. Lützow-Wentzky | MPI Astronomie, Heidelberg, Germany |
P. G. Mezger | MPI Radioastronomie, Bonn, Germany |
H. Nørgaard-Nielsen | DSRI, Lyngby, Denmark |
W. Pfau | Universitätssternwarte, Jena, Germany |
T. Ray | DIAS, Dublin, Ireland |
P. Richards | RAL, Chilton, United Kingdom |
S. Russell | DIAS, Dublin, Ireland |
J. Schubert | MPI Astronomie, Heidelberg, Germany |
E. Sedlmayr | Technische Universität, Berlin, Germany |
D. Skaley | MPI Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany |
J. Staude | MPI Astronomie, Heidelberg, Germany |
C. Tilgner | MPI Astronomie, Heidelberg, Germany |
R. Tuffs | MPI Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany |
M. Wells | University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom |
Development | |
Members of PI Team | |
Peter Ábrahám (MPIA) | preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme |
Erich Ackermann (MPIA) | sensitivity calculations and confusion noise estimates (diploma thesis) |
Hans-Heinrich Altfeld (MPIA) | cryo mechanics development tests (Ph.D. thesis) |
Steven Beckwith (MPIA) | director, preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme |
Heinrich Bellemann (MPIA) | head of mechanics workshop, cryo mechanics development |
Jürgen Blum (MPIA) | high energy radiation impacts on IR detectors (diploma thesis) |
Stefan Bogun (MPIA) | requirements for ISOPHOT Serendipity mode operations |
Matthias Botz (MPIA) | characterisation of internal calibration sources (diploma thesis) |
Martin Burgdorf (MPIA) | detector tests (diploma thesis), Serendipity mode simulation (Ph.D. thesis) |
Armin Böhm (MPIA) | manufacture of Fine Calibration Sources for ISOPHOT |
Hans Elsässer (MPIA) | managing director of the institute (until 1994) |
Edgar Fink (MPIA) | head of administration, industrial contracts |
Franz Flock (MPIA) | manufacture of mechanical components |
Ursula Flock (MPIA) | personnel administration |
Peter Franke (MPIA) | design of ISOPHOT components |
Wolfgang Fuhr (MPIA) | calibration measurements and time line planning |
Carlos Gabriel (MPIA) | design of pipeline software |
Ulrich Grözinger (MPIA) | electronic engineer, detector testing, electronic components |
Christian Hajduk (MPIA) | definition of ground segment activities |
Heidi Hajduk (MPIA) | optical components design |
K. Haussecker2 (MPIA) | electronic engineer, detector testing, electronic components |
Ingolf Heinrichsen (MPIA) | commanding and processing software, Astronomical Observation Template (AOT) design |
Hannelore Heissler (MPIA) | project administration |
Uwe Herbstmeier (MPIA) | flight operation procedures, instrument end-to-end testing |
Hans Hippelein (MPIA) | preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme |
Diethelm Johannismann (MPIA) | FIR filter design (diploma thesis) |
Ulrich Kinkel3 (MPIA) | calibration measurements and time line planning |
Stefan Kirches (MPIA) | instrument ground testing |
Ulrich Klaas (MPIA) | preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme, ground segment development coordination, PIDT build-up |
Harald Krüger (MPIA) | ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme coordination, documentation (Observer's Manual) |
Christoph Leinert (MPIA) | preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme |
Dietrich Lemke (MPIA) | Principal Investigator ISOPHOT |
Dieter Lutz (MPIA) | detector tests (diploma thesis) |
Peter Lützow-Wentzky (MPIA) | management of industrial contracts, PIDT build-up |
Klaus Meisenheimer (MPIA) | preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme |
Thomas Müller (MPIA) | asteroids as celestial FIR standards (Ph.D. thesis) |
Tibor Pacher (MPIA) | computer system management, AOT logic testing |
Guido Pelz (MPIA) | preparation of real time operations |
Gabriele Roth (MPIA) | detector curing methods (diploma thesis) |
Alison Rushworth (MPIA) | project secretary, documentation |
Ulrich Schneider (MPIA) | detector curing methods (diploma thesis) |
Joseph Schubert (MPIA) | optical components, instrument ground testing and detector transients (Ph.D. thesis) |
Bernhard Schulz (MPIA) | instrument ground testing (Ph.D. thesis) |
Jakob Staude (MPIA) | preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme |
Clemens Tilgner (MPIA) | instrument and system tests |
Karsten Wilke (MPIA) | investigation of signal transients (diploma thesis) |
Lothar Weitzel (MPIA) | detector array tests (diploma thesis) |
Lorenz Wiest (MPIA) | detector tests (diploma thesis) |
Jürgen Wolf (MPIA) | detector design and testing, instrument ground testing coordination |
Members of Co-I teams | |
Jack Abolins (RAL) | Real Time software development coordinator |
Rolf Chini (MPIfR) | preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme |
Linda Cornwall (RAL) | Quick Look Analysis (QLA) software development |
Luke Drury (DIAS) | preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme |
Francisco Garzón (IAC) | project manager ISOPHOT-S, preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme |
Hans-Peter Gemünd (MPIfR) | FIR filter and polariser development |
Eberhard Grün (MPIK) | preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme |
Joachim Gürtler (FSJ) | preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme |
Steve Guest (RAL) | Offline Processing Pipeline (OLP) design and development |
Graham Hall (RAL) | Real Time Assessment (RTA) software development |
Peter Hammersley (IAC) | celestial calibration standards, preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme |
Thomas Henning (FSJ) | preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme |
Reinhard Hofacker (MPIK) | electronic components development |
Bob Joseph (ICSTM/IRTF) | ISOPHOT-S design, preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme |
Carsten Kömpe (FSJ) | design of calibration meausurements and calibration time line planning |
Ernst Kreysa (MPIfR) | FIR filter and polariser development |
Wolfgang Krätschmer (MPIK) | NIR/MIR filter and polariser procurement and testing |
Kalevi Mattila (Helsinki Observatory) | preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme |
Peter Mezger (MPIfR) | preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme |
Hans Ulrik Nørgaard-Nielsen (DSRI) | preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme |
Werner Pfau (FSJ) | preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme |
Emil Popow (AIP) | instrument ground testing |
Ib Rasmussen (DSRI) | Electrical Ground Segment Equipment development |
Tom Ray (DIAS) | preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme |
Phil Richards (RAL) | Offline Processing Pipeline (OLP) design and development |
Gotthard Richter (AIP) | preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme |
José Miguel Rodríguez Espinosa (IAC) | ISOPHOT-S ground testing, preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme |
Mike Selby4 (ICSTM/IAC) | ISOPHOT-S design, stellar IR standards |
Detlef Skaley (MPIK) | PHT Interactive Analysis (PIA) development |
Charles Telesco (Univ. Florida) | FIR calibration standards, preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme |
Wai Min Tai (DIAS) | PHT Interactive Analysis (PIA) development |
Richard Tuffs (MPIK) | Astronomical Observation Template (AOT) design, preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme |
Peter Vaughan (RAL) | project manager |
Heinrich Völk (MPIK) | preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme |
Helen Walker (RAL) | Astronomical Observation Template (AOT) design, preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme |
Martyn Wells (ICSTM/ROE) | ISOPHOT-S design, preparation of ISOPHOT Guaranteed Time programme, design of calibration measurements |
Robert Wagner (MPIK) | instrument ground testing analysis software development |
Members of the German Space Agency and the Industrial Teams | |
Günter Albrecht (ZEISS) | cold focal plane unit; production manager |
Jürgen Altmann (ZEISS) | cold focal plane unit; test engineer |
Manfred Amann (Dornier) | industrial prime contractor; analogue electronics |
Heiko Bäurle (ZEISS) | cold focal plane unit; assembly |
Hans Peter Batroff (ZEISS) | cold focal plane unit; coating |
Johann Bestler (Dornier) | industrial prime contractor; electric system engineering |
Wolfgang Bollinger (ZEISS) | cold focal plane unit; project manager |
Reinhold Bolz (ANTEC) | infrared detectors; assembly of P detectors |
Walter Breitling (Dornier) | industrial prime contractor; system engineer |
Kurt Brenner (ZEISS) | cold focal plane unit; mechanical design |
Stefaan Cos (IMEC) | cold readout electronics; test engineer |
Bart Dierickx (IMEC) | cold readout electronics; design engineer |
Peter Dinges (ANTEC) | infrared detectors; C200 design, assembly |
Stefan Dornheim (ZEISS) | cold focal plane unit; production |
Albert Ebert (ZEISS) | cold focal plane unit; mechanical design |
Rudolf Faymonville (ANTEC) | infrared detectors; project manager |
Reiner Felten (ANTEC) | infrared detectors; electronics, software |
Harald Feuer (Dornier) | industrial prime contractor; instrument assembly integration test |
Vic Fonderie (IMEC) | cold readout electronics; QA manager |
Jürgen Frank (Dornier) | industrial prime contractor; project controller |
Danny Frederickx (IMEC) | cold readout electronics |
Otto Frenzl (ANTEC) | infrared detectors; system engineer, QA |
Wolfgang Fricke (Dornier) | industrial prime contractor; project manager |
Hans Göhringer (ZEISS) | cold focal plane unit; quality assurance |
Peter Hackel (ZEISS) | cold focal plane unit; quality assurance |
Michael Harr (ANTEC) | infrared detectors; administration |
Gernot Hartmann (DLR) | German Space Agency DLR; programme manager |
Peter Henneberg (ZEISS) | cold focal plane unit; optics, straylight |
Edgar Herbst (Dornier) | industrial prime contractor; FPU shadow engineering |
Lou Hermans (IMEC) | cold readout electronics; project manager |
Ottmar Hertel (ANTEC) | infrared detectors; documentation |
Hermann Hohl (ZEISS) | cold focal plane unit; production |
Joachim Junghans (ZEISS) | cold focal plane unit; electric design, testing |
Hans Köppen (ZEISS) | cold focal plane unit; chopper assembly, FPU |
Wolfgang Klück (ANTEC) | infrared detectors; C100 assembly |
Axel Koppe (Dornier) | industrial prime contractor; detector shadow engineer |
Heribert Krüger (ANTEC) | infrared detectors; spectral measurements |
Hansjörg Lehle (ZEISS) | cold focal plane unit; electrical assembly manager |
Werner Lenz (Dornier) | industrial prime contractor; analogue electronics |
Klaus Lethaus (Dornier) | industrial prime contractor; electrical interface engineering |
Reinhard Link (ZEISS) | cold focal plane unit; sales manager |
Anne Litzelmann (ZEISS) | cold focal plane unit; test engineer |
Reinhard Ludewig (ZEISS) | cold focal plane unit; design manager |
Georg Luichtel (ZEISS) | cold focal plane unit; quality assurance, testing |
Hans Jürgen Meier (ZEISS) | cold focal plane unit; FE analysis |
Klaus Meyer (ANTEC) | infrared detectors; S arrays assembly/test |
Roland Müller (Dornier) | industrial prime contractor; software |
Manfred Otterbein (DLR) | German Space Agency DLR; programme manager |
Reinhold Passenheim (ZEISS) | cold focal plane unit; electric design, testing |
Christian Peschel (ZEISS) | cold focal plane unit; assembly of wheels FPU |
Klaus Proetel (DLR) | German Space Agency DLR; funding manager |
Michael Röser (ANTEC) | infrared detectors; C50 assembly |
Rudolf Schlegelmilch (ZEISS) | cold focal plane unit; project manager |
Günter Seger (ANTEC) | infrared detectors; administration |
Axel W. Sohn (ANTEC) | infrared detectors; C100 detector, software |
Götz Thieme (Dornier) | industrial prime contractor; software engineering, operations |
Friedrich Trebstein (ZEISS) | cold focal plane unit; test engineer |
Michael Trunz (ZEISS) | cold focal plane unit; mechanical design |
Jan Vermeiren (IMEC) | cold readout electronics; technical project leader |
Berthold Vogt (Dornier) | industrial prime contractor; test facilities |
Erhard Wedel (Dornier) | industrial prime contractor; electronics coordination, digital electronics |
Hans Willaczek (ZEISS) | cold focal plane unit; vibration test |
Members of Operations Preparation Teams | |
Mauro Casale (ESA) | Uplink and satellite systems support |
Carlos Gabriel (ESA) | PHT Interactive Analysis (PIA) development |
René Laureijs (ESA) | AOT and pipeline processing design, design of calibration meausurements |
Keith Morgan (ESA) | Performance Verification Phase timeline planning |
Luciano Orsini (ESA) | AOT logic development |
Johannes Riedinger (ESA) | Uplink design and development |
Bernhard Schulz (ESA) | Calibration Uplink System (CUS) development, calibration meausurements and time line planning |
Julian Sternberg (ESA) | Offline Processing Pipeline design and development |
Rob Verschoor (ESA) | Pipeline processing development |
Operations | |
Members of PHT Instrument Dedicated Team (PIDT) | |
José Acosta Pulido (MPIA/IAC) | calibration planning and analysis, PIA development |
Michael Braun (MPIA) | calibration analysis |
Héctor Castañeda (MPIA/IAC) | instrument real time operations, trend analysis |
Linda Cornwall (RAL) | RTA/QLA development, data quality control, instrument real time operations |
Carlos Gabriel (ESA) | PIA management, development and documentation |
Ingolf Heinrichsen (MPIK) | AOT maintenance, OLP scientific validation, PIA development and documentation |
Steffen Huth (MPIA) | calibration analysis, data quality control |
Ulrich Kinkel5 (MPIA) | calibration planning and analysis |
Ulrich Klaas (MPIA) | PIDT leader |
René Laureijs (ESA) | calibration coordination, observer support |
Michael Linden-Vørnle (MPIA) | calibration analysis |
Thomas Müller (MPIA) | calibration planning and analysis |
Guido Pelz (MPIA) | instrument real time operations, trend analysis |
Mario Radovich (MPIA) | OLP scientific validation |
Pilar Román (ESA) | data quality control, calibration analysis |
Bernhard Schulz (ESA) | PIDT deputy leader, calibration planning and analysis |
Members of PI team | |
Peter Ábrahám (MPIA) | optimisation of faint source observing strategies, calibration analysis |
Stefan Bogun (MPIA) | Serendipity Survey analysis software development and calibration |
Ulrich Grözinger (MPIA) | instrument commissioning |
Martin Haas (MPIA) | Guaranteed Time programme execution, calibration analysis |
Hannelore Heissler (MPIA) | project administration |
Philippe Héraudeau (MPIA) | ELAIS survey analysis, calibration analysis |
Edgar Herbst (Dornier) | instrument commissioning |
Uwe Herbstmeier (MPIA) | data centre build-up, calibration |
Hans Hippelein (MPIA) | scientific data analysis |
Thilo Kranz (MPIA) | straylight measurement analysis (diploma thesis) |
Harald Krüger (MPIA) | Guaranteed Time programme execution, calibration analysis |
Michael Kunkel (MPIA) | computer system manager |
Christoph Leinert (MPIA) | scientific data analysis |
Dietrich Lemke (MPIA) | Principal Investigator ISOPHOT |
Klaus Meisenheimer (MPIA) | scientific data analysis |
Thomas Müller (MPIA) | asteroids as celestial FIR standard sources (Ph.D. thesis) |
Stephan Nicklas (MPIK) | calibration analysis |
Alison Rushworth (MPIA) | project secretary, documentation |
Manfred Stickel (MPIA) | Serendipity Survey analysis, software development and calibration |
Christian Surace (MPIA) | ELAIS survey analysis, calibration analysis |
Clemens Tilgner (MPIA) | instrument commissioning |
Victor Tóth (MPIA) | Serendipity survey data analysis |
Post Operations | |
Members of National Data Centres | |
Peter Ábrahám (MPIA) | calibration and scientific data analysis, user support |
José Acosta-Pulido (IAC) | calibration analysis |
Immo Appenzeller (MPIA) | acting director, management support |
Steven Beckwith (MPIA) | director, Guaranteed Time science projects, support of ISOPHOT Data Centre |
Simone Bianchi (MPIA) | calibration analysis |
Carlos Del Burgo Díaz (MPIA) | calibration analysis |
Martin Haas (MPIA) | calibration and scientific data analysis, user support |
Philippe Héraudeau (MPIA) | ELAIS survey and calibration analysis |
Stephan Hotzel (MPIA) | Serendipity Survey data analysis |
Ulrich Klaas (MPIA) | ISOPHOT Data Centre manager, calibration coordinator and offline s/w activities |
Dietrich Lemke (MPIA) | ISOPHOT Principal Investigator and Head of ISOPHOT Data Centre |
Huw Morris (RAL) | OLP development |
Mario Radovich (MPIA) | OLP scientific validation, scientific and calibration analysis |
Phil Richards (RAL) | OLP design development and scientific validation |
Hans-Walter Rix (MPIA) | director, management support |
Linda Schmidtobreick (MPIA) | calibration and scientific data analysis |
Manfred Stickel (MPIA) | Serendipity Survey data analysis, scientific data analysis, user support |
Victor Tóth (MPIA) | Serendipity Survey data analysis |
Richard Tuffs (MPIK) | PIA development |
Helen Walker (RAL) | UKIDC user support coordination |
Karsten Wilke (MPIA) | OLP scientific validation, scientific and calibration analysis |
Members of ISO Data Centre | |
Carlos Gabriel (ESA) | PIA management, development and documentation |
René Laureijs (ESA) | PHT team leader, community support, calibration analysis, handbook documentation |
Thomas Müller (ESA) | calibration analysis, handbook documentation |
Sybille Peschke (ESA) | community support, calibration analysis |
Pilar Román (ESA) | calibration analysis |
Bernhard Schulz (ESA) | community support, calibration analysis, handbook documentation |