Pointing and tracking will be performed on guide stars using the two star trackers mounted outside the cryostat. The guide stars have apparent visual magnitudes between 2 and 8 and are distributed over the entire sky. For each observing target there is at least one guide star in the field of view ( ) of the CCD detector inside the operational star tracker. The misalignment between the operational star tracker and the telescope boresight is periodically measured and corrected using a star sensor located on the optical axis of the telescope.
The standard ISO observing mode is a 3-axis-stabilized pointing at a selected target. This permits observations of a target for a period up to several hours. Tab. 1 gives the required and the actual in-orbit values for:
The values given are 2 values for the radius of the cone, i.e. the angular separation between the actual and the commanded pointing direction is within these limits 95% of the time.
The influence of the higher pointing performance is discussed in Sect. 13.2.
Type of pointing error | required | actual |
[''] | [''] | |
Jitter (RPE) | < 2.7 | 0.5 |
Drift per hour (APD) | < 2.8 | < 0.1 |
Absolute Pointing Error (APE) | <11.7 | 3.5 |
Table 1: Pointing performance, assuming one calibration per revolution (values are 2 , halfcone)