synopsis: (1) statistical uncertainty in the responsivity from statistical uncertainty in the FCS signal (2) systematic uncertainty from a systematic uncertainty in the FCS signal (due to transients) (3) systematic uncertainty from statistical uncertainties in the illumination matrix (see sect. 3.18) (4) systematic uncertainty from the filter-to-filter response correction (see sect 3.19).
limitations and applicability:
(1) In case no valid FCS measurement is present, a default responsivity is
applied, see sect. 3.16.
The FCS measurement is used to determine the responsivity of each
pixel R(i) for the filter in which the FCS measurement is taken:
The illumination matrix
is needed to correct for the
fact that the FCS illumination is not flat but varies from pixel to
pixel in the C100 and C200 arrays. The detector flat field correction is
necessary to obtain the same responsivity for each filter of the same
purpose correction:
Determination of the responsivity of the C100 and C200 detector array,
which is necessary to perform the flux calibration of each filter
uncertainty/noise introduced:
(1) The mean signal of an FCS measurement has a statistical uncertainty
which propagates into the uncertainty of the responsivity. This error
will contribute to the systematic uncertainty of the sky measurement(s).
(2) the photometric bias propagates in the responsivity determination.
(3) the illumination matrix is accurate to within 3% per pixel.
(4) the detector flat field correction is accurate to within 5% from
auxillary data: none